

Which of the Christians and Muslims are more in world?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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Each are accounting for around one fourth of the world population as of year 2009.

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Q: Which of the Christians and Muslims are more in world?
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Are there more Christians or Muslims in the world?

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You are referring to two different groups of people. Some Muslims hate Christians. They kill them all over the world and then celebrate it. Other Muslims would never dream of killing anyone. Those are the Muslims who say they do not hate Christians - because they don't.

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Both a Christians and Muslims live in Libya. There are more Muslims there at this time.

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Christianity is believed to have more followers than Islam at present. There are around 2 Billion christians and 1.62 Billion Muslims worldwide, but with the West becoming more and more secular and Islam growing stronger world wide, Muslims may well very soon outnumber Christians.

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