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Q: Which organ's blood flow pattern results in low oxygen levels causing vasoconstriction and high oxygen levels causing vasodilation?
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Which organ blood-flow pattern results in low oxygen levels causing vasoconstriction and high oxgyen levels causing vasodilation?

The lungs

Does propranolol cause vasoconstriction?

Yes it does. The first person who answered it was wrong, dead wrong. Just look at the first page of results. It lowers your heart rate to decrease blood pressure. Blocking the beta receptors results in vasoconstriction.

How does vasoconstriction and vasodilation of blood vessels effect blood pressure?

No. Vasoconstriction is a squeezing of the veins. This is like putting your thumb at the end of a garden hose. The constriction of the flow increases the pressure. The water shoots out faster from the hose when your thumb is blocking the way. If the entire hose were to tighten, as in vasoconstriction, the same effect happens.--From Wikipedia: Vasoconstriction"Generalized vasoconstriction usually results in an increase in systemic blood pressure..."

What reduces cardiac afterload?

vasodilation, anemia, cirrhosis, shock states (results in massive vasodilation)

How do you describe a vasodilation mean?

Vasodilation means the widening of blood vessels that results from relaxation of the muscular walls of the vessels.

Why raised intracranial pressure in Respiratory acidosis?

Widespread vasodilation results from hypercapnia leading to the warm peripheries and plethora that are also well documented. Cerebral vessels are not spared and this vasodilation also results in cerebral oedema increasing ICP.

how do you do a mean?

Vasodilation means the widening of blood vessels that results from relaxation of the muscular walls of the vessels.

When contraction of the smooth muscle in a blood vessel wall results in the vessel is referred to as being in a condition of?


What stimulates vaso dilation?

Vasodilation is a mechanism for thermoregulation . It is used for cooling down body temperature . Increased body temperature stimulates vasodilation .It results in increased blood flow to skin to aid heat dissipation .

What decreases blood flow through arterioles?

Vasoconstriction of an arteriole increases resistance and results in decreased flow through that particular arteriole.

Does the parasympathetic nervous system increase or decrease BP?

The parasympathetic nervous system serves as the "rest and digest" system, which results in vasodilation of the peripheral vessels. This results in an overall decrease in blood pressure :)

Does adh cause vasoconstriction?

ADH does not exactly cause the vasoconstriction but increases the peripheral vascular resistancewhich results increases of arterial blood pressure