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Q: When contraction of the smooth muscle in a blood vessel wall results in the vessel is referred to as being in a condition of?
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what's an isometric contraction?

An isometric contraction is when the muscle does not shorten and no movement results.

Excitation-contraction coupling refers especially to the means by which do what?

means by which electrical excitation of a muscle results in muscle contraction

What kind of muscle contraction is also referred to as static tension?


What is the difference between a strong muscle contraction and a weak muscle contraction?

one would be the amount of contractile strength that results from a muscle contraction.

The alternating contraction and relaxation of opposing layers of smooth muscle is referred to as?


When myosin cross bridges bind to actin what happens?

Muscle contraction results

Which movement results after the contraction of the serratus anterior muscle?

scapular protraction and rotation

What is muscle contraction without muscle shortening is what kind of contraction?

Isometric contraction

Constant contraction of a muscle is?

constant contraction of a muscle is called the muscle tone

Cross-bridge formation that results in muscle contraction requires intracellular?

the major intracellular ion in crossbridge formation is what

Some muscle fibers always contracted?

Summation and/or tetanic contraction. Summation is increased muscle contraction until maximal sustained contraction is achieved. Tetanic contraction is sustained muscle contraction without relaxation. If you're inquiring for the Learning Objective Review in an anatomy and physiology course, the question refers to a condition in which some fibers are always contracted... so I'm not sure if they're looking for summation or tetanic contraction - but I think it would be tetanic contraction as summation is more the process leading up to the tetanic contraction...

What is a concentric contraction?

concentric contraction is atype of muscle contraction which the muscle shortens while genrating aforce The muscle shortens to produce movement. A muscle contraction in which shortening occurs.