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ATOM (Gr. c.royos, indivisible, from aprivative, and ,uvEiv, to cut), the term given in physical science to the ultimate indivisible particle of matter, and so by analogy to something minutely small in size. If we examine such a substance as sugar we find that it can be broken up into fine grains, and these again into finer, the finest particles still appearing to be of the same nature as sugar. The same is true in the case of a liquid such as water; it can be divided into drops and these again into smaller drops, or into the finest spray the particles of which are too small to be detected by our unaided vision. In fact, so far as the direct evidence of our senses tells us, matter appears to be indefinitely divisible. Moreover, small particles do not seem to exist in the water until it is broken up; so far as we can see, the material of the water is continuous not granular.

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15y ago
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15y ago

the only one is the atoms are neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction which states the same thing that conservation of mass statse

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10y ago

The law of multiple proportions supports Dalton\'s atomic principle. It supports it by showing the amount of an element in one compound remains constant in another.

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12y ago

sixth postulate of Dalton's atomic theory which states that "The relative number and kinds of atoms are constant in a given compound" can explain the law of definite proportions.

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the 1st one does

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Q: Which of the four Principles of Dalton's atomic theory goes with the Law of Multiple Proportions?
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How does Daltons atomic theory explain the law of definite proportions?


Who developed the multiple proportions law?

The Law of Multiple Proportions was developed by John Dalton based on the Law of Definite Proportions, was part of what laid the groundwork for his atomic theory, and for the basis of chemical formulas for compounds.English chemist John Dalton

What are the sub atomic particles for john daltons model?

protons,neutrons and electrons are the sub atomic particles

What part of Daltons atomic theory was then proven to be incorrect?

Two principles not valid today:· All atoms of a given element are identical.· A given compound always has the same relative numbers of types of atoms.

What is the atomic mass of neon'?

The approximate mass is 11. Technically you could express this in units of daltons as 11 Da (Daltons previously called amu, Atomic Mass unit, or as 11 (the dimensionless, relative atomic mass which chemists simply call atomic weight) .

What is the approximate mass of a neon-11 atom?

The approximate mass is 11. Technically you could express this in units of daltons as 11 Da (Daltons previously called amu, atomic mass unit, or as 11 (the dimensionless, relative atomic mass which chemists simply call atomic weight) .

What led Dalton to research to structure of atom?

Dalton's interest was sparked in atoms because he wanted to know why elements combine in specific proportions to form compounds. He was a pioneer in the development of modern atomic theory.

What is the account of each isotope?

atomic number

What main feature of daltons atomic model was abandoned after thomson's discoveries?

The idea that atoms are indivisible.

Did daltons atomic theory include the idea that all atoms of all elements are the same size?


Which tenet of Daltons atomic theory did Thomson disprove?

Atoms cannot be divided into smaller particles.

How did daltons atomic theory lead to the different model scientists have today?

Dalton's theory was irrelevant to the total compensation of of the Atomic Mass.