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Answering questions about 'mood' is almost impossible. Despite WW1 and despite problems in Germany and some other countries, Europe participated in the prosperity of the Roaring Twenties. It was also a time of cultural innovation. On the other hand, one country after another abandoned democracy for Dictatorship, starting with Italy in 1922. Like the above suggests, mood is difficult to assess. If I were to generalise, I would say Europe was looking for change. You had millions of men demobilized and fed-up with fighting in a war. These men came home and wanted change, Russia had seen its monarchy replaced by communism and the reign of Germany's Kaisers was over. There was a lot of agitation politically and we saw the enlargement of the electoral franchise because if men and women were needed for a country's war effort they needed to be heard. The twenties were very turbulent, maybe exciting, it felt like the world was changing so fast compared to the last fifty years. We were seeing massive ocean liners built, airplanes, automobiles and roads. Cities were growing at a fast rate, Britain elected its first Labour-socialist government. It was a time of tulmutous change!

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The sense of optimism had been shattered

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Q: Which statement best characterizes the mood of much of the world at the end of world war 1?
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