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Q: Which term is related to cuisine?
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What is the french term for new cooking?

La nouvelle cuisine

Is there a term El sol to describe a vegetable in Spanish cuisine?

No, there is not.

What jobs are related to a chef?

The job of Cooking and/or the Art of Cuisine.

What is the term that describes Japanese cuisine?

和食 (wa-shoku).

What is the french term used for a cooking technique?

une technique de cuisine

How do you spell quisene?

The term from French is spelled cuisine (cooking, especially fine cooking).

What is the meaning of cuisines?

The meaning of cuisine is the style of preparing food! whether it's all hickeldy-pickeldy or all nice and neat and looking great. that's what cuisine means

Where was Asian cuisine originated?

Asian cuisine is a rather broad term, but these cuisines are generally from Southeast Asia. Thailand, China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam have all produced food with nearly worldwide prevalence.

What is the definition of arts tourism?

Art tourism is a term that is used when people travel in order to visit, explore and engage in activities related to art. It includes traveling to art festivals, concerts, wine and cuisine events, to explore famous museums, etc.

What type of information can be found on the Khana Khazana website?

Khana Khazana is a popular website that specializes in Indian cuisine and fusion cuisine. It contains recipes and also has a questions and answers section on cooking related topics.

What is the tagalog term of lima beans?

The Tagalog term for lima beans is "patani." It is commonly used in Filipino cuisine as an ingredient in dishes like guisado or ginataan.

Who has played a significant role in the creation of cuisine?

Cuisine is a general term referring to any type of food. There is Italian cuisine, French cuisine, Vietnamese cuisine, etc. There are many people who have significantly effected every cuisine but there is no way to list them here.