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A hung parliament is when no single party wins an overall majority and in order to form a government a coalition is formed. Lots of countries have had that situation. Ireland and the United Kingdom are two examples.

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Q: Which two countries had a hung parliament?
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What is a hangparliament?

A hung parliament is one in which no party has an overall majority. The UK parliament will have 650 seats. If no party gains 326 seats or more in today's General Election, there will be a hung parliament. If there is a hung parliament the two largest parties (Labour and Conservative) will be trying to form pacts with any of the smaller parties in order to gain an effective majority.

What is the hanging Parliament?

A hung Parliament is where one party IE Conservatives have lets say 250 seats. labour has 200 and Lib Dem's have 60. the Conservatives cannot win on the majority as labours and Lib Dem's seats are more than the Conservatives. That is a hung Parliament.

What countries parliament has two houses?

Parliament of the United Kingdom is a bicameral government, two government houses, House of Lords, and the House of Common, British Parliament is supremacy in the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland.

Why was there a hung parliament at the 2010 election?

because no party had an overall majority

How do you write the name of the Parliament and its countries?

It depends on which parliament and which countries you're talking about.

What is hang Parliament?

A hung parliament is one where, after voting, neither party has the majority of power (or seats). To put it simply, it's a draw.

Did the phrase Hung Parliament originate from the fact that Oliver Cromwell hanged some members of England's parliament and thus reduce the number of members?


What is an Act of Parliament clock?

An act of Parliament clock is a large clock, once hung in inns, erroneously thought to derive from a tax on clocks.

Who won the election 2010?

no one... it was a hung Parliament although the Tories did get 250 seats.

When was the last time the outcome of general election resulted in a hung parliament?

Prior to the 2010 general election, a general election had not caused a hung Parliament since February 1974, when Labour narrowly failed to win an overall majority at the polls.

Which countries are enemies with Pakistan?

No countries but Illitrate parliament.

What is the Parliament of Europe called?

Europe does not have a parliament as such. Europe consists of over 50 countries, each of which has its own Parliament. There is an organisation called the European Union, which has 28 of Europe's countries as members. It has a parliament which is simply known as the European Parliament.