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As of 2008: Barbara Mikulski (D) - Maryland - 1987 Dianne Feinstein (D) - California - 1992 Barbara Boxer (D) - California - 1993 Kay Bailey Hutchison (R) - Texas - 1993 Patty Murray (D) - Washington - 1993 Olympia Snowe (R) - Maine - 1995 Mary Landrieu (D) - Louisiana - 1997 Susan Collins (R) - Maine - 1997 Blanche Lincoln (D) - Arkansas - 1999 Debbie Stabenow (D) - Michigan - 2001 Hillary Rodham Clinton (D) - New York - 2001 Maria Cantwell (D) - Washington - 2001 Lisa Murkowski (R) - Alaska - 2002 Elizabeth Dole (R) - North Carolina - 2003 Amy Klobuchar (D) - Minnesota - 2007 Claire McCaskill (D) - Missouri - 2007

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Q: Who are all of the current female US Senators?
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Who are the current US Senators?

There is a list of all current US Senators at the related link below.

Who are the current US?

There is a list of all current US Senators at the related link below.

What is the current income reported by all us senators?

2 million

Who is the female US Senate president?

At present there is no female US Senators in a high leadership positions. There are some female senators- maybe some are committee chairs. (You may thinking of the soon to be replaced female House Speaker.)

Who are all the US senators?

As of July 2014, some current US Senators are Richard Shelby and Jeff Sessions from Alabama, and Mike Udall and Michael Bennet from Colorado. Some additional Senators are Chris Murphy, Tom Carper, Marco Rubio, and Rand Paul.

How many senators in Kansas are women?

Neither of the US Senators is female. 12 of the 40 Kansas state senators were women in 2013.

Howmany senators are there?

There are a maximum of 100 US senators, 2 from each of the 50 US states.

Who are the two people that represent your state in the US Senate?

They are your US senators. For a list of current senators by state, see the related link below.

What are the names of North Dakota's current US Senators and Representatives?

John Hoeven and Heidi Heitkamp are the US Senators and Kevin Cramer is the US Representative. (as of January 2013)

What is the gender of senators?

At present, 21 US Senators are female and 79 are male.

How many senators are there in Michigan?

There are 38 state senators in the Michigan legislature.Michigan has 2 US Senators that represent the state in the US Senate.*for the current office holders, see the related links below

How many US Senators does all the states combined have?

Each of the 50 states has two senators for a total of 100 US Senators.