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The major players in the Afghan war are sub-divided among four principal actors, being insurgents, local government, outside actors, and the local population.


"Those hoping to overthrow the established government or secede from it" (152). This includes "remnants of the Taliban, Gulbaddin Hekmatyar's Hezb-i-Islami, the Haqqani network, Al-Qaeda, foreign fighters, criminal groups, and a host of Afghan and Pakistani tribal militias" (152). Driven by ideology and religion, these actors are fiercely determined in achieving their objectives. Their unswerving demands are neither reasonable nor negotiable.

Local Government:

"Includes the government security forces, the army and police, as well as key national and local political institutions" (152). Establishing an effective Afghan National Security Force consisting of ANA, ABP, and ANP are viewed as critical to the successful reach and legitimacy of Afghanistan's weak government. Before the insurgency was in full-swing, outside actors, namely the United States and NATO, channeled their focus on developing government security forces. The government is determined to overcome the insurgents, but lack real influence beyond the major population centers and Ring road. The stakes are highest for the local government, as they have everything to gain AND lose.

Outside Actors:

"External states and other nonstate entities, which might support either side" (152). Jones delineates two opposing sets of external actors. "The United States, NATO forces, and the United Nations support the Afghan government; the international jihadi network and some individuals from neighboring states-such as Pakistan and Iran-support the insurgents" (152-153). Clearly there are a number of external actors that participate in the Afghan war actively, passively, and/or covertly for strategic reasons.

Local Population:

"The most important group; it is for their hearts and minds that the war is being fought in the first place" (153). Both sides of the insurgency seek popular support, realizing its necessity. The side that controls the populace will likely be the victor. Jones sums this up by stating, "in the end, the exercise of political power depends on the tacit or explicit agreement of the population-or, at worst, on its submissiveness" (153). The stakes are high for the local population, as whoever is in control of the state will determine their quality of life and future direction.

Works Cited

Jones Seth. Into the Graveyard of Empires, W. W. Norton & Company; Reprint edition, April 12, 2010.

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