

Who conducts Priam safely back to Troy?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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I think it was a Trojan

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Q: Who conducts Priam safely back to Troy?
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In the movie TROY who killed king Priam?

Aggamemnon... Stabbed him in back with a spear. Aggamemnon was killed by Achilles who ws in turn shot by Paris.

What is priam's fate?

Priam's fate is ultimately tragic - he is killed by Achilles' son, Neoptolemus, during the fall of Troy. Priam meets a violent end as he pleads for the return of his son Hector's body, highlighting the brutal nature of war and the downfall of the once mighty city.

How did Achilles know Lykaon?

Achilles found Lycaon cutting trees in Priam's orchard. Lycaon was a son of Priam. Achilles sold Lycaon into slavery and the slave owner, Eetion brought him back to Troy. Later Achilles kills Lycaon on the battlefield even though Lycaon pleaded for his life.

How did the Trojan war begin?

The Trojan war began when Helen eloped with Paris. Helen was the wife of Menelaus; king of Mycenae (Sparta) and Paris was the son of Priam, King of Troy. The couple escaped back to Troy; and Menelaus called upon the rest of the Greek states to support his effort to get Helen back. When the Trojans refused to give Helen back to Menelaus the Greeks attacked the city; and after a long siege Troy was destroyed.

Why did king priam kiss the hand of Achilles?

Priam kissed Achilles hands to get him to give back Hectors body.

What did Achilles do to Hector's body after killing him?

Achilles tied Hector to the back of his chariot and dragged him around the city of Troy while shouting "I killed Hector". After persuasion from Priam he agrees to return the body for its weight in Trojan gold.

What did Diomedes steal from Troy and why?

I am unfamiliar with Diomedes "stealing" any of Priam's daughters, but it was not unusual for a conquering army to take slaves back to their home cities. Women and female children from the ruling family would have been very valuable.

When was the last conversation between King Priam and Achilles?

king priam was the king of troy.he had two sons.hector and paris.hector was elder and was very brave in fighting went to the city of greeks and came back to troy with the queen of greece,,all the greece warriors came to troy to fight a war with the warriors of troy.achilles was one of the greek warriors.he was very strong and no one could defeat him.but he was not interested in the war.he had a cousin who accompanied him to the war place.he dressed himself as achilles and went to the battle field.he died in the hands of,with grudge,achilles likks hectorand takes his dead body.then,king priam goes to achilles and asks him to give his son's body for the last ceremony.that was the last conversatio between king priam and achilles.

What is the story of Queen of Troy cause of Trojan War?

It was not the Queen of Troy - she had nothing to do with the the cause of the war. It was 'much manned Helen'. Helen was wife of Spartan king Menelaus. Visiting prince of Troy Paris (Alexander) got her to come back to Troy with him, also smuggling out a lot of Menelaus' wealth. Menelaus called on his brother Agamemnon, king of Argos for help, so they organised all the neghbouring kingdoms into a piratical expedition to Asia Minor, and set about looting the area. When after 10 years they had cleaned out the coast and islands, they invested the only place left worth looting, Troy. After the Greeks gained the upper hand, king Priam of Troy offered to give Helen back, but the Greeks demanded also Menelaus' property which was more important. Priam refused, so the seige continued, and after the fall of the city, Menelaus took Helen home along with the loot as compensation.

Was Menelaus married to Helen?

Yes Helen was married to Menelaus and married also to Prince Paris of Troy and after his death to Deiphobus his brother, both sons of Priam King of Troy. After Deiphobus died at Menelaus's hands, he took back Helen as his wife as he had intended from the start of the Trojan war.

Why was the Trojan horse in the Trojan war?

The Trojan Horse's point in the Trojan was was so that the Greeks could get into Troy. They had to use this scheme because the war in Troy was across the Aegan Sea, and they wanted to get back to Greece ASAP. So, they build a giant horse, pretended to sail home but really hid in the horse, the foolish Trojans took it thinking it was for Poseidon.So, that night the Greeks that were hiding in the horse broke out of it, opened the gates, killed King Priam and took Troy. Also I suggest you watch the movie "Troy" or read The Iliad by Homer.

Why did cassandra from the Trojan war consider her gift to be a curse?

No one believes whatever Cassandra predicted. Basically, she sees these horrible images of what was going to happen to Troy and people she know, but everyone just thinks she is crazy. Some of Cassandra's predictions were that Paris will bring the destruction of Troy, Priam bringing Hector's body back from Achilles, the Trojan Horse, and Agamemnon's violent death.