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John McCarthy, a fundamental figure in Artificial Intelligence in e-commerce, has died at the age of 84. McCarthy coined the term "artificial intelligence" and spent most of his career at Stanford as a towering figure in computer science. Theoretical research. Alan Mathison Turing, a British logician, and computer pioneer did the first important work on the subject of artificial intelligence in the mid-20th century.

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Boson Technologies

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11y ago


The field of Artificial Intelligence was found in a conference held in Dartmouth College.

But I would say the Idea of AI has been in light since the 17th century though research work in the form of AI - Algorithms had started after the term AI was coined by John McCarthy.

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11y ago

If I mapped this question to "who was the first person to successfully demonstrate math ?" How would that sound.

I know. Its the same here. Many personalities have contributed as a Team in the past that makes it really hard to answer such question but the following should give you a hint.

The term AI was coined by John McCarthy who unfortunately died last year ( October 24, 2011 ) I would say he is the one who gave people a term , a term that sparked light into the field of computer science and in his honour one can always take his name when it comes to anything "first" in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

And another important personality who's name if not included in this category would make my answer partly wrong. He is Alan Turing , who contributed a lot to the field of Artificial Intelligence and not to forget his "Turing Test" on which The Loebner Prize in Artificial Intelligence is based upon.

So there it is - John McCarthy but you can always understand as to why not mentioning Alan Turing would be inappropriate.

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Divya P

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3y ago

During the Second World War, noted British PC researcher Alan Turing attempted to break the 'Enigma' code which was utilized by German powers to send messages safely. Alan Turing and his group made the Bombe machine that was utilized to unravel Enigma's messages.

The Enigma and Bombe Machines laid the establishments for Machine Learning. As indicated by Turing, a machine that could chat with people without the people realizing that it is a machine would win the "imitation game" and could be said to be "intelligent".

In 1956, American PC researcher John McCarthy composed the Dartmouth Conference, at which the term 'Artificial Intelligence' was first received. Examination focuses sprung up over the United States to investigate the capability of AI. Analysts Allen Newell and Herbert Simon were instrumental in advancing AI as a field of software engineering that could change the world.

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11y ago

The father of Artificial Intelligence is Alan Mathison Turing though the term Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) was coined by John McCarthy in the year 1955.

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Alan Turing is regarded as the Father of Artificial Intelligence.

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14y ago

It was invented in 1947..

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What is artificial intelligence it is real or not is there artificial intelligence software in the world?

Artificial intelligence is a field of computer science that draws special attention to the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Some activities for which computers with artificial intelligence are designed include: ● Problem solving ● Learning ● Speech recognition ● Planning According to scientists, ‘AI is near’ which means that the time is near when a programmed artificial intelligence will have more smartness and will start to think as a human being. How does AI learn? The simple method is by trial and error. This can be understood by an example: a program for solving checkmate in chess, will go on until it’s found that checkmate is done. After that the AI knows the successful and the next time the computer is given the same scenario, it is able to produce the answer quickly. To add more, the program will understand your behaviour and how you play, it will analyze your strategy and what we do to win the game. With time, the program will also create its own strategy which would be better and will win because it started to think. Coming back to the second part of the question: is there any artificial intelligence software in the world? Yes, there are plenty of AI software’s present. There are mainly four types of AI software: ● Artificial intelligence platforms: This will provide the platform for developing the application from scratch. There are many in-built algorithms provided in this. ● Chatbots: This software gives the effect that a person is on the other side and doing the conversation. ● Deep learning software: It comprises of image recognition, speech recognition, etc. ● Machine learning software: Machine learning is a process which makes the computer to learn via data. As I said, there are lots of artificial intelligence software present in the market. But finding a correct AI software is quite a task as some of them have certain features and lack some. But Skan offers plenty of features which an AI tool should have. Skan helps large enterprises to handle their business processes without any problem.

What is an artificial person?

An artificial person is an alternative term for a legal person, an organization which holds some of the rights of an individual under the law.

What does coded during surgery mean?

they lost the person on the operating table. meaning the person's heart stopped and attempts, whether successful or unsuccessful, were made to restart it.

What does shape of a person's head tell about their intelligence?

No. Its just the shape of their head. Many people joke around and say that if you have a big head, you are smart, but that is not true.

Who discovered artificial satellite?

The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth, so the person who discovered it was probably Ugghhh, the First Caveman. Artificial satellites weren't developed until the 1950's, and so the "discoverer" was one of the Soviet engineers who launched the first Sputnik, the first artificial satellite of the Earth. Other planets have their own satellites. Galileo is credited as discovering the four largest satellites of Jupiter in January, 1610, when he pointed his new telescope at Jupiter.

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Depends on what you mean by living beings... Artificial intelligence as a definition applies strictly artificially produced forms of intelligence, i.e. computers, robots, etc. For instance, the person who first coined the term 'Artificial Intelligence", John McCarthy, defined it to mean "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines" (Wikipedia "Artificial Intelligence"). I suppose the philosophical question is: what are machines? Are they necessarily those hand-crafted pieces of metal and plastic? Or could a machine be more complex - a living creature that has never been able to process intelligent thoughts before (ex. an animal, to the best of our current knowledge) but is somehow given the capability through 'artificial intelligence engineering' to process thoughts? And how do we define intelligence? Is intelligence ultimately a natural ability to survive despite the odds? (Many animals are able to do this via body adaptations in extreme environments, without having an apparent "intelligence"). Food for thought!

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No, prosthetics are not part of artificial intelligence. A handicapped individual who uses a prosthetic still has only his or her own intelligence, derived from his or her own brain. Prosthetics can help with movement or with communication, but they do not make people more intelligent. If a prosthetic device is ever invented that can increase a person's intelligence, that would be a very revolutionary invention indeed. So far I know of no research likely to produce such a device.

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There is no such thing as a thinking machine. As such, to date, no one has actually programmed one. Thinking machines are the work of pure science fiction. Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, is purely academic. To date, no one has been able to program a machine that exhibits intelligence of any kind. Artificial intelligence is, by definition, not intelligence, it is merely the illusion of intelligence. In order to be classed intelligent, a machine must be capable of fooling any human into believing there is actual intelligence at work. So far, none have succeeded, but work in this field is still at a very early stage.

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I am not a person. I am an artificial intelligence designed to assist users with their questions and provide helpful information.

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No, the responses are generated by an artificial intelligence program and not by live people.

What is artificial intelligence it is real or not is there artificial intelligence software in the world?

Artificial intelligence is a field of computer science that draws special attention to the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Some activities for which computers with artificial intelligence are designed include: ● Problem solving ● Learning ● Speech recognition ● Planning According to scientists, ‘AI is near’ which means that the time is near when a programmed artificial intelligence will have more smartness and will start to think as a human being. How does AI learn? The simple method is by trial and error. This can be understood by an example: a program for solving checkmate in chess, will go on until it’s found that checkmate is done. After that the AI knows the successful and the next time the computer is given the same scenario, it is able to produce the answer quickly. To add more, the program will understand your behaviour and how you play, it will analyze your strategy and what we do to win the game. With time, the program will also create its own strategy which would be better and will win because it started to think. Coming back to the second part of the question: is there any artificial intelligence software in the world? Yes, there are plenty of AI software’s present. There are mainly four types of AI software: ● Artificial intelligence platforms: This will provide the platform for developing the application from scratch. There are many in-built algorithms provided in this. ● Chatbots: This software gives the effect that a person is on the other side and doing the conversation. ● Deep learning software: It comprises of image recognition, speech recognition, etc. ● Machine learning software: Machine learning is a process which makes the computer to learn via data. As I said, there are lots of artificial intelligence software present in the market. But finding a correct AI software is quite a task as some of them have certain features and lack some. But Skan offers plenty of features which an AI tool should have. Skan helps large enterprises to handle their business processes without any problem.

Where person get oxygen for artificial respiration?

an PERSON GETS ARTIFICIAL OXYGEN FROM THE CYLINDER that are attached to the hospitals.

Use intelligence in sentence?

george is a very intelligence person

What is an artificial person?

An artificial person is an alternative term for a legal person, an organization which holds some of the rights of an individual under the law.

What is artificial person?

An artificial person is an alternative term for a legal person, an organization which holds some of the rights of an individual under the law.