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Q: Who classified living organisms into several different groups?
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What is the smallest groups into which organisms can be classified?

The smallest group an organism can be classified is a species.

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What is a group or level of organization into which organisms are classified is called what?

It is referred as a Taxon.Taxon- groups or level of organization in which organisms are classified.

Groups into which organisms are classified?


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different groups of organisms on number of cell?

Why are vertebrates classified into different groups?

vertbrates are classified into different groups cause they have backbone and spine of structures for each group

How is a star classified?

In different groups

Why are organisms classified into groups of protists plants and fungi?

so people will not get confused

Why living organisms classified?

Living organisms are classified into groups to be easier to name, identify, and organize.

How is a sea star classified?

In different groups

Why are organisms classified into kingdom phylum class order family Genus and species?

To identify organisms and determine how groups are related.

What are three groups Charles Darwin classified living organisms into?

animals, microorganisms and plants.