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Old Major.

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Q: Who had a strange dream he wishes to communicate to the other animals?
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Strange dream of all encompassing but infinitely small power?

If you have a strange dream of all encompassing but infinitely small power, then it means that you are frighten.

What does it mean when you dream about a dead pets ghost?

I this dream last night, it was strange.

What does it mean to dream your mom is kidnapped by scientists put on an animal infested island and you and your brother have to save her?

That your Mom is possibly afraid of animals, or you or your siblings are prone to having to rescue people or, your (strange) dream has to do with a movie you just watched.

Do all animals dream?

Not all animals dream. Animals of higher class (vertibrates) dream. While invertibrates don't.

Why does major ask the animals to congregate in the barn after mrjones has gone to sleep in the book animal farm?

because he wanted to explain his dream to everybody and also to share a song. He taught them rebellionOld Major assembles the animals so that he can give a speech about the dream he had and importance of their freedom.

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Do lions dream?

All animals dream.

What does it mean when you dream kissing gods feets?

It means you have strange fantasies...

What do it mean when you dream money chaseing you?

Nothing really just a funny dream I guess! I've had alot of strange and weird dreams dont be worried everybody dreams about something strange to sometime in their life :)

When did Abraham Lincoln have his dream about him dying?

Only a few days before being assassinated, Abraham had that strange and frightening dream.

What does candy ask Georg?

He wishes to join Lennie and George in "their dream" of buying their own ranch.

What do you call a sea animal's dream?

There is no specific term for the dream of a sea animal. If sea animals are observed to be dreaming, the appropriate term would be "dream."