

Who hires an activist?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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Anyone should hire an activist.

Unless this is the job you are searching for in being an activist.

I am not sure who would hire you as an activist, as most are on a volunteer basis. Not so much paid basis. Many groups that have a cause are non profits and the people that help them with the activities of being an activist don't get paid for working as an activist, whether it be for picketing something or rallying or sending out flyers to the public on their cause on the street corner or in front of a public place.

IF you are doing their accounting or answering their phones or something along the lines that you must get paid, then that would be different.

You would get paid or should get paid unless they mention that they don't pay for such things.

It also depends on the state you are living in as well and the non profit group that you support as an activist. And the cause you support as well.

How big they are and if there are openings for paid employees. But most have nothing more then volunteer jobs to do.

Now if you are an activist being discriminated against because you are an activist of a certain cause, trying to get a job with an employer, I would no longer put it on the Job Applications and see what happens.

You may get hired. You don't have to share everything on a job application with an employer.

I am an activist for children and elderly and animals. But I never put it on the job applications. And yes I have done many a rally and done flyers and put them out to the public as well, and been arrested for protesting many a time. But the cause was worth it and the laws got changed and that is all that mattered to me and the cause.

So keep looking something may come along right up your alley!

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