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If the workers was "on the clock" then it is a workman's comp issue in most states. If the worker was not on the clock, then it is just the driver's/worker's fault, no difference if the same driver would have crashed the car in his own driveway.

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Q: Who is liable when a worker gets intof a car accident in a store lot due to snow not being plowed?
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Technically speaking she is the one who is liable as well as it being her car. However if you both share insurance your rate will go up but you will not be counted for the accident.

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Certaily fleeing the scene of an accident is both against the law, and hurts his credibility, but what exactly are the facts of loss? Was he at fault? Just because he fled doesn't necessarily mean he was liable for the accident. If you could provide more details surrounding the facts of the accident I could be of greater assistance to you.

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you should report the accident to yours and the other drivers insurance company...typcially no matter how fast you had to stop they driver behind you must maintain a distance to be able to stop from hitting you .... thus being deemed neglient/liable/at fault for the accident

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