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Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

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Q: Who was the female Clinton nominated to the US Supreme Court?
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What are the two names of Clinton's two Supreme Court appointees?

Supreme Court Justices' Ginsburg and Breyer were Clinton administration appointees. Ginsburg was nominated in 1993 and Breyer in 1994.

When was Stephen Breyer nominated to the US Supreme Court?

President Bill Clinton nominated Justice Stephen Breyer to the Supreme Court on May 13, 1994. He was confirmed on August 3, 1994, by a Senate vote of 87-9, and took the Oaths of Office the same day.

Why was Ruth Bader Ginsburg nominated to the US Supreme Court?

President Clinton was impressed by Ginsburg's life story, and praised her for her efforts in advancing women's rights.

Is Hillary Clinton planning to have Marilyn Mosby as Attorney General?

Hillary has indicated Mosby will be nominated for the Supreme Court. The current AG will continue in the HRC administration

What political party nominated justice Stephen Breyer?

Bill Clinton, a Democratic President, nominated Justice Breyer in 1994. US Supreme Court justices are nominated by Presidents, not by political parties (although the President belongs to a political party).

Do people vote on the members of the the supreme court?

No, the Supreme Court is not elected by the people. Supreme Court Justices are nominated by the President, and then the Senate votes to confirm them.

What do US Supreme Court justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer have in common?

President Clinton nominated both Justice Ginsberg and Justice Breyer to the US Supreme Court. Justice Ginsberg joined the Court in 1993, Justice Breyer in 1994. Both justices are still active.

Who was Charles P Ginsburg?

He was nominated to the supreme court but was rejected

Which President nominated the secord African-American justice to the US Supreme Court?

President George HW Bush nominated Justice Clarence Thomas to the US Supreme Court in 1991.

Was the first woman justice appointed the US Supreme Court by President Ford or Nixon or Carter or Johnson?

none of them . . . Ronald Reagan nominated the first female US Supreme Court Justice, Sandra Day O'Connor, in 1981.

Can Bill Clinton be a US Supreme Court justice?

Yes, if he is nominated by the sitting President and confirmed by a simple majority of the Senate. One earlier President, William Howard Taft, who was in the White House from 1909 - 1913, served as Chief Justice of the United States (Supreme Court) from 1921 until 1930. Neither former President Bill Clinton nor Secretary of State Hillary Clinton want to serve on the US Supreme Court due to their age. They have both stated a preference for the appointment of younger justices with the potential for a longer tenure on the Court.

How does someone get appointed to the Supreme Court?

Be nominated by the President and then confirmed by the Senate.