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You will find written in the 46th chapter, among Judah's sons Pharez and Zerah, these are the children of Tamar (See Genesis 38), You will notice one of the children was marked with a scarlet thread (Zarah). Notice on the scarlet hand on the flag of Ulster? Notice that older flags actually have the tread upon the hand? Well now you have your answer.

Further its documented that Jeremiah brought the daughters of Zedekiah to Ireland when Jerusalem was under siege by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. You will find the daughters written in the Chronicles of the 4 masters as well as other places, Biblical texts do not provide their names. It is also thought that King David's daughter, who was raped, was sent to Ireland. Christ lived in Briton from the time Joseph the carpenter died until he re-appeared (at about 30 years of age). Joseph of Aramethia, was Christ's uncle and a wealthy tin merchant who worked the tin mines in Briton. There are many historical references to Christ as a child in Briton.

Further the word British is from two Hebrew words. The first word is 1258 bariyth and it means covenant, the second is word is 376 iysh and it means man or champion or mighty man. The two together are bariyth-iysh which when spoken together give the sound of the current version which is written British. The covenant was given to Abraham, you will find it written in the 15 or 16th chapter of Genesis. That covenant passed to Isaac and then to Isaac's son Jacob and finally the younger of two brothers (sons of Joseph) Ehpraim (Genesis 48). Its equally interesting to read the prophecies concerning the two brothers (Manasseh and Ephraim), which align with Briton and the United States to a tee.

The Irish, therefore are from the house of Israel as are the Scots and the British and the Americans. They are the sons of Adam, which is a Hebrew word (119 and 120) that means to be rosy, show blood in the face, flush or blush, to be ruddy complected. Isn't it high time we started pulling together as a family once again and quit following the fools trail of the philosophia?

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Q: Who were the Irish in the Old Testament of the bible?
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