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Barack Obama/Joe Biden John McCain/Sarah Palin

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Q: Who were the presidential and vice presidential candidates in the presidential election of 2008?
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The presidential candidates were president Ronald Reagan and former vice president Walter Mondale.The vice presidential candidates were vice president George H.W.Bush and representative Geraldline Ferraro

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Richard M.Nixon/Spiro Agnew George McGovern/R.Sargent Shriver

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George W.Bush/Dick Cheney Al Gore/Joseph Liberman

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Benjamin Harrison/Levi P.Morton Grover Cleveland/Allen G.Thurman

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Dwight D.Eisenhower/Richard M.Nixon Adlai E.Stevenson/John J.Sparkman

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Franklin D.Roosevelt/Harry S.Truman Thomas Dewey/John W.Bricker

Who were the presidential and vice presidential candidates in the presidential election of 1964?

Lyndon B.Johnson/Hubert Humphrey Barry Goldwater/William Miller

Who were the presidential and vice presidential candidates in the presidential election of 1936?

Franklin D.Roosevelt/John Nance Garner Alfred M.Landon/Frank Knox

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Woodrow Wilson/Thomas R.Marshall Charles Evans Hughes/Charles W.Fairbanks

Who were the presidential and vice presidential candidates in the presidential election of 1896?

William McKinley/Garet A.Hobart William Jennings Bryan/Arthur Sewall

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William McKinley/Theodore Roosevelt William Jennings Bryan/Adlai E.Stevenson