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Q: Why are pesticides to be used in very accurate concentration and at very appropriate time?
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What color are pesticides?

All different colors, depending on composition and, sometimes, warning status. By the time they are diluted with water to the appropriate concentration for field use, most pesticides just look like water or milky-white water.

Can you use pesticides any time of the year?


Light blue was shown on my Ept pregnancy test does this mean am pregnant?

If the line appeared in the test window, in the appropriate amount of time, then yes, it would be accurate to assume that you are pregnant.

Does sevin bug spray lose its strength?

All pesticides do after a time

Is The Devil's Arithmetic a pg-13 movie?

It is the story of a Jewish girl who goes back in time to a nazi concentration camp. It has very true to life graphic scenes. In my opinion it is age appropriate.

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concentration dependent killing

What common injury can result from too much concentration typing over too little amount of time?

repetitive strain injury ________ Actually, I think Carpal Tunnel syndrome would be a more appropriate answer.

How do pesticides enter fruits?

If they do enter the fruits, it could be from contaminated water. A lot of the time pesticides are used in soil and sometimes they are sprayed directly over the soil making the pesticides stay on the surface of your fruit. That is why it is important to wash fruit before eating it

How many pesticides are applied to conventionally grown apples?

depends where they are grown and for what market, the time of year, the veriety ect. also dont you care what KIND of pesticides you find rather then how many?

How accurate is a normal stop watch?

Accurate enough to count time.

Why should pesticides not be introduced after introducing parasitic wasps?

If you introduce pesticides after introducing parasitic wasps you will kill the parasites and the parasitic wasps so you will have wasted your time and money introducing the parasite wasps.

How buffer concentration effects on retention time in hplc method?

concentration of buffer effects in buffer strength