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If they do enter the fruits, it could be from contaminated water.

A lot of the time pesticides are used in soil and sometimes they are sprayed directly over the soil making the pesticides stay on the surface of your fruit. That is why it is important to wash fruit before eating it

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Q: How do pesticides enter fruits?
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What is a possible harmful effect of using pesticides?

Pesticides remain on fruits and are passed on to anyone who eats the fruits.

Can fruits infect a cut?

if the fruits had pesticides and you rubbed the fruits in your wound

What does does organic fruits mean?

organic fruits mean the purest form of the fruits which has either no pesticides or fewer pesticides compared to non-organic fruits. they do not look as good as non-organic fruits look but are much healthier that that. you can visit to know more about it.

To study the presence of Insecticides and Pesticides in Various Fruits and Vegetables?

eat the fruits or vegetables ,if you fall ill then we can say whether the fruits are infected by insectisides and pestisides

How do pesticides enter the water cycle?

they evaporate with the water

What are Organic vegetables and fruits?

organic stuff is stuff that's been grown without sprays and pesticides and stuff, just totally natural stuff.

How can you prevent ADHD?

Eat organic fruits and vegetables, or foods without pesticides:) they say that there are materials inside the pesticides that may cause ADD or ADHD:) i hope this helps:)

Why is it recommended to wash fruits and raw vegetables before eating them?

It is recommended towash fruits and raw vegetables before eating them because some fruits and vegetables may contain pesticides on their them.

Are store bought fruits unhealthy?

Some fruits may have traces of pesticides on their skins. If the fruit is vigorously washed before eating, then it should be alright.

What is the Current problem of fruits and vegetables in Pakistan?

high lead levels from polluted water, insecticides and pesticides residues in fruits and vegetables. usman cheema

Why should you wash vegetables and fruits before eating?

To wash away any pesticides that may have been sprayed on them

Presence of pesticides in fruits nd vegetables?

Every years, EWG comes out with "The Shopper's Guide to Pesticides" where it ranks pesticide contamination for 53 popular fruits and vegetables based on an analysis of 51,000 tests for pesticides on these foods, conducted from 2000 to 2009 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the federal Food and Drug Administration. Nearly all the studies on which the guide is based tested produce after it had been rinsed or peeled.