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The answer to such a question generally depends upon the personal views of the person responding, in which case a factual answer may not be possible. Some people, including behavorial scientist, psychiatrist and so forth believe that people are born gay or bisexual. Other people including those in the scientific and other profession believe it is a lifestyle choice. Leaving the controversy centered upon moral and religious grounds.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Gay and lesbians gravitate toward people of the same sex. Humans are each individuals and are born with certain biological conditions, including eye colour, hair colour, and other genetic markers.

Most scientists researching this question are seeing their research pointing to at least a biological if not genetic origin of sexual orientation. This evidence is increasingly showing that sexual orientation, whether gay, straight, or bisexual, is probably set very early on -- if not in the womb or at conception. In other words, sexual orientation is inborn.

Now, many people -- including people who are opposed to homosexuality on religious grounds -- reject this theory, saying that there are a lot of examples of people who were gay who have been "cured" and "made straight" through various kinds of "therapy," whether psychological or religious.

However, it is important to remember that the American Psychological Association (the national organization of professional psychologists) does not take up when or how sexual orientation is determined, but it does say that there is nothing inherently wrong or unhealthy with non-straight sexual orientations; the APA further considers therapy meant to "cure" homosexuality to be at most ineffective and at worst extremely harmful to the health of people who have same-sex attraction or are gay.

Now, people who believe that sexual orientation can be changed are usually confusing homosexuality and heterosexuality with bisexuality; obviously someone who is bisexual can be sexually attracted to people of either sex, or conditioned or taught to seek out relationships or sexual experiences with only the opposite sex.

However, truly heterosexual and truly homosexual people cannot change their sexual orientation; at best, they can become celibate (avoiding sex), which is not the same thing as changing one's inborn sexual orientation. More and more research will be done in this area in the next decade, and it is likely that one or more biological or genetic sources of sexual orientation will be found.

However, it is safe to say that sexual orientation is at least inborn and not something chosen or mutable.

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6y ago

Depending on how you define "gay" about 2% to 10% of the population is gay. This percentage seems to be consistent across all the cultures that have been studied. According to the Kinsey Report (1948), 30% of adult males have had at least one homosexual experience to orgasm.

In the last 40 years or so, gay and lesbian people have been "coming out" -- declaring who we are -- and demanding equal rights. Therefore, we've been more visible. But the per centage of the population that's gay hasn't changed.

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6y ago

Well, they've existed for at least 2 million years. It's just now society is more "liberal" with sexual issues, and they won't get burned at the stake for expressing their orientation.

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10y ago

There aren't more lesbians in the world. It just seems that way because people aren't afraid to hide any more.

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10y ago

Some simply prefer members of their own gender, that's all.

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Q: Why are there homosexuals in this world?
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Same as it has always been just more were killed or hid it.

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There are homosexuals in every corner of the world! I myself live in Florida, considered by many the most homophobic state in the union.

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Who experienced discrimination during World War 2?

Jews, homosexuals, twins etc.

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Joseph McCarthy was the man.

What were homosexuals labeled with during World War 2?

A pink triangle

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They were put in concentration camps and extermination camps.

How many homosexuals were killed in world war 2?

There can be no answer to this question because the number of homosexuals serving in the armed forces and the number of civilian homosexuals killed by enemy action (or by 'friendly fire') is unknown. It may be interesting for you to ask yourself why that is so. If your question refers specifically to homosexuals imprisoned in Nazi 'Death Camps' I suggest you request the book "The Men with the Pink Triangle" from your library.

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The depletion of the rain forests is definitely a greater threat to humanity than the existence of homosexuals in the world. Homosexuality and homosexuals have allowed our society to gain a new dimension and way of thinking. It has given us more of an idea into the uniqueness and diversity of our world. There is nothing wrong or abnormal about homosexuality, nor is there anything harmful. In light of this, the deforestation of rainforests has a much greater impact on humanity.

What percent of the world is made up of homosexuals?

Estimates of the percentage of the population that identifies as homosexual vary widely, but it is generally believed to be around 5-10%. It is important to note that sexual orientation is a complex and fluid aspect of human identity, and these numbers are only rough estimates.