

Why c language is powerful?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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C++ is general-purpose and portable, which is common to many high-level languages, but it excels in terms of performance, comparable to that of assembly language. This is not surprising given the amount of work that goes into optimising the native machine code that the C++ compiler produces.

Java is arguably more popular today (especially with amateur programmers), but it doesn't perform well when compared to C++. This is largely due to the much higher level of abstraction which requires compiled programs to be executed and interpreted by the Java virtual machine. The main advantage of Java is that the abstraction allows Java programs to be run on any platform that supports the JVM without the need to modify the source code and recompile, which is the main disadvantage of C++. However, in terms of performance alone, few languages can compete with C++, hence its huge popularity in the community.

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8y ago

Any language that uses a compiler to generate the machine code is a compiled language. By contrast, interpreted languages generate the machine code at runtime. Some languages, like Java, are both compiled and interpreted; the source code is compiled to Java byte code which is then interpreted by the Java virtual machine at runtime.

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7y ago

It shouldn't. C is one of the most difficult languages to learn and work with and should be the last language you learn (just before learning assembly in fact). Most new programmers start with some variant of BASIC before moving onto Java and then C++. At that point C becomes academic because we rarely need anything lower than C++. Nevertheless, the learning curve will be vastly reduced because you'll already be familiar with most of C through the low-level C-style coding that is part of C++. Indeed, if you learn C before learning C++, it just becomes that much harder to learn C++ because you'll habitually resort to writing low-level C-style code in the belief that it is somehow more efficient. C is not only less efficient than C++, it is laborious and prone to error. Just as there are few cases where we need to resort to low-level assembly language there are even fewer reasons to resort to C. It's best to think of C as being a tool for generating assembly language instructions that can then be manually tweaked if necessary, but you can also do that just as easily with C++.

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7y ago

It is not the choice of all programmers. C is a compiled language which simply means that the source can be converted to a lower-level language. Typically we use C to produce machine code programs, however we can also produce an assembly language source. Although we don't need to do this very often, this gives us an opportunity to modify the assembly source before assembling the machine code. For instance, we might do this in order to take advantage of some hardware feature that is not yet implemented by the compiler, but as compiler implementations evolve the need to do so diminishes.

Just as the need to resort to assembly language diminishes as C compilers improve, the need to resort to C also diminishes as other high-level language compilers improve. C++ is a case in point as it was specifically designed such that we rarely need anything lower than C++. However, we can never eliminate these lower level languages entirely because hardware is constantly evolving and it's always much easier to implement these new features in the lower level languages first. We may still use C++ for the bulk of our machine-code programming, but we still occasionally need to dip our toes in C and/or assembly language in order to produce optimal solutions. Those solutions (or rather the methods that produce them) will eventually filter down to the higher-level languages, but there are always new solutions to discover, so the need for C and assembly language never really diminishes, they simply find new problems to solve. And so long as hardware continues to evolve, there will always be new problems to solve.

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14y ago

Because it was designed by good programmers for good programmers. Of course it still has many weaknesses like the zero-terminated string.

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C is almost unlimited in what you can do, and is arguably the lowest, high level language.

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13y ago

Because it is compatible with all OS,And most of the has got easiest logic

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