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Acidic foods and drinks can keep nicotine gum and inhalers from working

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Q: Why cant you eat and drink 15 minutes before and after having a nicotine lozenge?
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Related questions

What does having a dependence on nicotine mean?

it means your an addict to nicotine

Why does a nicotine patch help?

A part of the addiction pattern of tobacco is the fact that your body adapts to having nicotine on board. A nicotine patch can relieve that part of the craving.

How long do top managers spend on a task before having to switch to another?

9 minutes

Im having surger and i have to get labwork prior to it i have been smoking for quite a while and i believe i will have to get a nicotine test how long does nicotine stay in your system?

The half-life of nicotine is about three hours. The metabolites can last for several days. You must not smoke before surgery. In a surgical emergency, the reduced ability to transport oxygen that goes along with all smoking could be fatal.

Why do people become more active after having a smoke?

Nicotine is a stimulant, similar to cocaine.

What is the nicotine in cigarettes known as?

The nicotine in cigarettes is known as a poison but i don't know if you are looking for another name for it or not your welcome , an 11 year old Makala Moore The nicotine in cigarettes is known as a poison but i don't know if you are looking for another name for it or not your welcome , an 11 year old Makala Moore what the hek Makala Moore

Does a nicotine patch make your arm hurt?

Yes! When i put it on my left arm or left shoulder, the left arm hurts, and vice versa with the right. It is exacerbated if I lie down on the side of my body with the patch on it. I have noticed a lot of people saying this in forums, but nobody knows why. I imagine if it were harmful, there would be something in the patch literature about it, but I think its just a response to having nicotine pumped into your blood. On the plus side, after the hurting ceases (usually within 1-2 minutes) I feel a very calming nicotine rush :)

Can commit lozenges cause depression?

The most common side effects are insomnia (reported in less than 5% of users), nausea, hiccups, coughing, heartburn, headache and flatulence.The biggest risk with Commit and all other oral nicotine replacements is the likelihood of becoming addicted to the lozenges. Think about it: what's the difference between lighting up and taking a big long puff for relief, or popping a lozenge into your mouth for relief -- except that you can use the lozenges anywhere. A great substitute for cigarettes and other products, eh?We recommend the patch. That allows you to get used to not having a nicotine delivery system in your hand, while gradually tapering you off the drug.

Why cant you smoke when having a baby?

Anything you put in your body is shared with your unborn child. If you are a nicotine addict, your baby will be a nicotine addict. The same negative effects of the drug that you experience, your baby will experience, excepting the lung damage.

Will nicotine show in a f ull blood count?

Absolutely yes! I needed a lung transplant, and just after I was listed I was having a craving. I used a nicotine patch and was taken off the list because the nictotine was detected. I then had to wait another 6 months to be re-listed.

You want to increase your sex timing?

Try this. Before having sex masturbate then have sex like five minutes later. It should last longer.

Is it bad to take out earrings before your supposed to for 30 minutes?

It could cause the whole to slightly close. Yes, even in just 30 minutes you could end up having to forced the earring back in a little.