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Austria-Hungary declaired war on Russia for a few reasons that slowly added up to it. The Bosnian Crisis and the assassination of the archduke Franz Ferdinand. The bosnian crisis was when Austria-Hungary invaded and took over Bosnia and because Bosnia was a country next door to Serbia, Serbia felt threatened because they thought that they were next to be invaded and with Austria-Hungary being a much more powerful counrty than Serbia, Serbia would be easily took over also Serbia wanted Bosnia for herself. Serbia appealed to Russia for help to get Austria-Hungary to give back Bosnia so they decided to hold a conference about the matter, Germany backed Austria-Hungary up so they never turned up at the conference. This matter brought Serbia and Russia closer together. When some members of the Black Hand (serbian) decided to assassonate the archduke Franz Ferdinand who was next in line for the Austia-Hungary throne Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for it even though Serbia had no idea of the Black Hand because it was a secret gang of revolutioners. Austria-Hungary gave several demands to Serbia and if they didnt accept, which they didnt, they would declare war, and so they did. So whe Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Russia backed up Serbia.

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11y ago

Russia wanted land in Europe, and an access to sea. It wanted to increase infuence in eastern Europe and the Balkans at the expense of Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary's goal was to maintain its position in eastern Europe at the expense of Russia. The 'powder keg' was the Balkans. So, Austria-Hungary sided with Germany to protect themselves from Russia (Dual Alliance, later with Italy forming the Triple Alliance in 1879); Russia sided with France and Britain to protect herself against Germany and Austria-Hungary (Triple Entente, 1907). When the First world War started with the Austrian attack on Serbia (28 July, 1914), Russia made preparations according to her promise to Serbia (in case of an Austrian attack on Serbia Russia would prepare her army to help Serbia). All the opposing countries declared war on each other. On 5th August 1914, Austria declared war on Russia, consequently, a week later Britain and France declared war on Austria.

(Note, that Hungary did not have a separate ministry of foreign affairs, or a separate army at the time. Hungary was involved in a war which was fought for the Austrian imperial prestige and greed. The price was great: after the first World War, in the Treaty of Versailles, Hungary became independent at last, but lost two third of its original territory - that's why it sided with Germany in the Second Wrld War.)

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15y ago

Hungary revolted, the Soviets put it down.

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Q: Why did Russia attack Austria in World War 1?
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Who did Russia attack in world war 1?

Russia directly attacked Germany and Austria-Hungary.

Did Austrio-Hungary attack Russia?

Firstly its Austria And Hungary and no they didnt, Germany declared war on russia.

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Why was world war a world war?

It was a World War because a man killed the archduke of Austria-Hungary in Sebia. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Serbia had an alliance with Russia and then Russia joined the war. Russia was in the Triple Entante and pulled Britain and France into the war. Austria-Hungary had alliances with Germany and the Ottoman Empire. They also joined the war. That is why World War I was a world war.

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Russia entered World War 1 through an alliance with Austria. World War 1 caused much distress with Russia's people. Many weapons came to the hands of peasants. World War 1 was a main contribution to starting the Russian Revolution. The alliance was not with Austria. Russia fought Austria. The alliance was with France against Germany.

Why did World War 1 become a world war?

It was a World War because a man killed the archduke of Austria-Hungary in Sebia. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Serbia had an alliance with Russia and then Russia joined the war. Russia was in the Triple Entante and pulled Britain and France into the war. Austria-Hungary had alliances with Germany and the Ottoman Empire. They also joined the war. That is why World War I was a world war.Read more: Why_was_world_war_a_world_war

Why wasn't World War 1 not a world war?

It was a World War because a man killed the archduke of Austria-Hungary in Sebia. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Serbia had an alliance with Russia and then Russia joined the war. Russia was in the Triple Entante and pulled Britain and France into the war. Austria-Hungary had alliances with Germany and the Ottoman Empire. They also joined the war. That is why World War I was a world war.Read more: Why_was_world_war_a_world_war

Why was Russia the first nation to declare war in World War 1?

some guy from austria-hungary assassinated archbishop Ferdinand of Serbia. Serbia were allies of Russia and then Russia declared war on austria-hungary

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No, Before the German attack on Russia it was not in WW2.

What started WW1?

Serbia kid kill a Prince of Austria so king of Austria really angry and Wage a war against Serbia and German Help austria and German attack England.England wages a war to German Empire.Then France join The England And this was Born of Allied.Then Ottoman Attack Russia.And Russia Go to Rumble with German Empire.AND WORLD WAR 1 IS START!

When did Russia invade Austria during World War 1?

Russia saw it self as protecttor of the Orthodox Christianity and the slavic people it sufferd an embarissing defeat by Japan in 1905 and wanted to fix its reputation that's why it invaded Austria- Hungary before Austria- Hungary invaded Serbia it made a pact wwith Germany that if it attacked by Russia Germany would attack Russia.

Why did Germany enter World war 1 and World war 2?

Germany entered WWI because they were allies with Austria-Hungary and Russia. Austria-Hungary went to war because of the assassination of the arch duke Franz Ferdinand and Germany saw that as a good opportunity to attack France and try to gain land.