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He wanted money because:

A) He was bankrupt, is says in Re-Discovering the Making of the UK by Heinemann.

B) He needed money for war with Spain if they were about to attack, because of Catherine of Aragons divorce.

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12y ago
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13y ago

In terms off power: Well first off, his aim was to be King of France, but this was far too ambitious; although the Battle of the spurs gave him Calais, not strategically advantageous, but gave him a title known internationally and achieved some glory and power. He consequently tried to be the peace keeper between France and the Holy Roman Empire (Francis I and Charles V) but again he achieved little here. But, to be peacekeeper, he launched the extremely ostentatious 'Field of cloth of gold' which was a huge public display to try and prove he matched the wealth and power of both Charles V and Francis I, but in reality he held little wealth and power in comparison. For power over the church he broke with Rome and become head of the church. Ironically, this weakened his power overall, leaving England diplomatically isolated.

In terms of Wealth: He found most of his finance coming from taxation schemes put forward by the 'alter Rex' Wolsey, such as the subsidy - a taxation based upon ones income. Moreover, the dissolution of the monasteries 1536-40, doubled the King's income. It is true to say, Henry was more able at spending money than obtaining it after spending Henry VII many years of parsimony in a short foreign expedition.

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11y ago

Henry longed for power and wealth; what King doesn't? He wanted to show everyone that he had the most power and it also intimidated his enemies.

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4y ago

well people have their own opinion mine is that's hes bankrupt

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3y ago

to hire yur mom as a h*ooker

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