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Richardson refused to fire special prosecutor Archibald Cox.

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Q: Why did Nixon fire US Attorney General Elliot Richardson?
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Attorney General Elliot Richardson refused to fire what special special prosecutor?

Archibald Cox was the special prosecutor that President Nixon asked Richardson to fire. Richardson had promised not to interfere in the investigationand so he resigned his position as attorney general.

What events led to the Saturday Night Massacre?

The Watergate scandal led to the "Saturday Night Massacre". It was the term given by political commentators to U.S. President Richard Nixon's executive dismissal of independent special prosecutor Archibald Cox, and the resignations of Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus on October 20, 1973 during the Watergate scandal.

Which event did Nixon order Attorney General Richardson to fire the special prosecutor investigating the Watergate break-in?

It was the Saturday Night Massacre. Nixon had Archibald Cox fired.

What attorney general was fired under President Nixon?

Richard M. Nixon had four (4) Attorney's General". They were: John N. Mitchell (1969); Richard G. Kleindienst (1972); Elliott L. Richardson (1973); William B. Saxbe (1974).

Attorney general under Nixon?

John Mitchell was Attorney General under Richard Nixon. He holds the distinction of being only American Attorney General to serve a prison term.

Was there a president named James Nixon richardson?

Not in the United States. There was a President named Richard Nixon but no James Nixon Richardson.

What are three effects of the of the Watergate scandal?

Attorney General Mitchell resigned in disgrace. Nixon replaced Kliendest with Richardson, and the televised Senate Committee hearings led to Nixon's resignation one step ahead of an Impeachment indictment.

Wife of Nixon's attorney general who had much to say during the Watergate era?

You are thinking of Martha Mitchell, second wife of Attorney General John Mitchell,

What was the rapid firing of the US attorney general and his deputy over the battle for Nixon's Watergate tapes known as?

Saturday Night Massacre

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Who are three people associated with the Watergate scandal OTHER than Richard Nixon?

John Mitchell, former Nixon Attorney General and chairman of the Committee to Re-elect the President. H. R. Haldeman, Nixon's White House Chief of Staff. John Ehrlichman, Chief Domestic Affairs Adviser to the President.

Who was Richard Nixon's attorney general?

Bobby Kennedy was attorney general as Lyndon Johnson finished serving as president after John F. Kennedy's assassination; however, he did not come to work often after JFK died. When Johnson was reelected, he chose Ramsey Clark as attorney general.