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The smugglers brought Dutch tea into the colonies. Since the 1730's there had been colonial smugglers providing goods that were not allowed into the colonies. Two of the biggest smugglers were Hancock and Hamilton . In fact, it was Hancock who funded the Son's of Liberty. Without him Samuel Adams would have had no group. The sole purpose of the group was to protect the interests of the smugglers. The Boston Tea Party was in protest of the British LOWERING the tea tax. This affected the smuggled cost of the Dutch tea and they threw the tea into the harbor to protect their economic interests. As far as taxes go the people in the colonies paid less tax than they did in Britain.

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13y ago

the king was eating their money.he used the money for his things.the king taxed things very the colonists wanted to get back at him.

The colonies were left alone for several years, and weren't expected to be taxed. Also the taxes weren't vary high at all.

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cuz they were angry because the king was eating their money and charging taxes on everything including tea

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Q: Why did colonists protest the tax on tea?
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To protest British taxation of tea.

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Boston tea party

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The Boston Tea Party - was a politically motivated protest by colonists in Boston against the British government on December 16, 1773. The Tea Act, passed by the British Parliament in 1773 reduced the tax on tea shipped to the colonies, and the colonists didn't want to be under the British rule anymore, so the dumping of the taxed tea in Boston harbour was there protest against the British Empire, which eventually led to the American War of Independence.Dont forget they dressed up like indians!! XD

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