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Because the Greeks and Romans give off excellent information about us, and the way they lived back then. It educates us in very different ways including the past, how our government developed and ect..

As a matter of fact the creator of math was Greek...

we use Roman and Greek objects everyday, such as doors, baths, door frames, fireplaces, ect..

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Q: Why did people study ancient Roman and Greeks during the renaissance?
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After what ancient culture did the people of the renaissance model themselves after?

The cultures of Rome and Greece.

What subjects were considered most important during the Renaissance?

Religion, poetry, philosophy, astronomy (there was no difference between astrology and astronomy to the people of the Renaissance) science, mathematics. They were very interested in studying the Ancient Greeks: Plato, Aristotle, Socrates. All renaissance scholars had to know Greek and Latin.

Humanism was based on the values of what two ancient groups of people?

Humanism was based on the values of ancient Greeks and Romans. The emphasis on reason, logic, individual potential, and human achievement seen in Greek and Roman thought formed the foundation of Humanism during the Renaissance.

What did the Renaissance have to do with the Greeks and Romans?

People of the Renaissance looked at the achievements of the Greeks and Romans as inspiration for their work.

Are Greeks Roman?

No, Greeks are not Roman. Greeks are the people of Greece, an ancient civilization that predates the Roman Empire. Romans are the people of Rome, an ancient civilization that grew to prominence after the Greeks.

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The Greeks

Why was Europe renamed the renaissance period?

The Renaissance happened because people started reading ancient texts and looking at ancient art. They then thought that they should create such as well, and used these ancient arts as their influence as well as creating their own, new forms of art.

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The ancient Greeks created myths because to explain the gods' actions.

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Shakespeare lived during the Renaissance, so everyone he knew, he knew during the renaissance.

What did ancient Greeks write?

They were the first people to write the alphabet. The Ancient Greek's