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For the very same reasons why we speak different languages today in order to communicate with each other.

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Q: Why did the Ancient Romans start to speak Latin?
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How did the roman numeral system start?

Well before they came into existence the Romans were very into fingers, but with all the trading they did they needed something better and more useful. They devised the system still using what they had: I = a finger V = and outstretched hand and X for both hands in the same manner. That has added onto over the years using Latin symbols C = 100 from Latin

How did roman numerals start?

Well before they came into existence the Romans were very into fingers, but with all the trading they did they needed something better and more useful. They devised the system still using what they had: I = a finger V = and outstretched hand and X for both hands in the same manner. that as added onto over the years using latin symbols (C = 100 from latin) because of the roman empire in the western hemisphere and BINGO. WE have a system. its been changed a lil since then but it remains mostly the same. Except on clock faces

When did the Romans start to use Roman numerals?

The Roman system of numbering came into common use in the 4th century BC. Before that, they used the Greek system of numbers.

How would you actually add together 1 plus 90 plus 1900 in two different ways but showing all your work entirely in Roman numerals from start to finish with explanations?

In todays modern configurations of Roman numerals the equivalent of 1, 99 and 1900 are now officially set out as I, XCIX and MCM respectively which makes mathematical interaction amongst them quite difficult.Yet there is evidence to suggest that the ancient Romans would have probably added together the equvalent of the given numbers in either of the following formats:-A: I+IC+CMM = MM => 1+(100-1)+(2000-100) = 2000B: I+LXXXXVIIII+MDCCCC = MM => 1+99+1900 = 2000Note that for more complicated arithmetical problems the ancient Romans would have made use of an abacos calculating board.QED

Is a ray a zero or two dementintional?

A ray is the beam of light from a distant object. The word is related to the Latin word radius. It has one dimension, length, from a start point to a finish point.

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Did all Romans speak latin?

Yes.No. They stoled the idea of Greeks, and developed into English, Latin and more. And please if you people out there trying to answer a question don't just give one word of YES. Give a lil more detail... CAUSE WOW! I LOATHE FINDING AND FIGURING MY ANSWERS WHEN THERE IS NO FUDGING ANSWER ON WIKI!!! And if you want more information of the mosaics,

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The Romans did not build the tower of Pisa. The Pisans started to build it in 1173 almost 700 years after the end of ancient Roman civilisation.

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What are some ancient Rome words that start with R?

As you know, Latin was the language of ancient Rome. There are many Latin words starting with the letter h. Some of them are: ; hortus, a garden; hiatus, an opening or a cleft, and historia, an inquiry.

What are ancient roman words that start with l?

You may as well ask what are English words that start with L. Latin has an entire dictionary section filled with words from labes to ludus which start with l. the name of the Roman language, Latin, also starts with an l.

What is a roman word starting with p?

Romans spoke Latin, so Latin that start with "p" are: pacisor, pactum, pene, paganus, pala, palam, pallium, palma, pando, par, and paratus.

How would you add together 500501 plus 499499 calculating all work from start to finish only in Latin numeracy?

Latin numeracy is the same as Roman numerals and the above equivalent numbers would have probably been worked out by the ancient Romans as follows:- It is: (D)DI+ID(D) = (M) => (1000*500)+501+(1000*500)-501 = 1,000,000 QED

What object was a signal for the commencement of a battle For the ancient Romans?

For the Roman army the Trumpet was used as the signal for te start of a battle. It was also used as a signal for retreat.

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From the very start of man there has been slavery. The Ancient Greeks and Romans all had slaves. Many came from war and conquest of other nations. Pirates also were big traders of slaves in the ancient world.

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I'm pretty sure you speak to the dude that wants you to do the quest or the guy that made you start it

What is an Ancient Roman Thing that starts with Z?

Some Latin words (Latin was the language that the ancient Romans spoke) are: zamia, which means an injury, damage or a loss; zodiacus, which means the zodiac; zephyrus, which means a warm west wind; zona, which means a girdle in the sense of a wide belt or a money belt. Then of course there was the famous battle of Zama in which the Romans defeated Hannibal.