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distilled water is used in chemical experiments because you already have a control group (whatever type of water you used) and you need other groups that dont have the same water in them to compare the control group to!

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To remove impurities and deionise the water so that dissolved solids in the natural water do not affect the outcome of a desired chemical reaction.

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12y ago

Because it is neither alkalinic or basic, in other words, neutral. it cannot affect an experiment's outcome that needs water.

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Q: Why distilled water use in chemical experiment?
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Use of distilled water?

Most common uses of distilled water are, >On cars batterries. >On steam irons. >And mostly in hospitals. Distilled water is used because its clean and does harms stuff,unlike tap water. Most common uses of distilled water are, >On cars batterries. >On steam irons. >And mostly in hospitals. Distilled water is used because its clean and does harms stuff,unlike tap water.

What chemical do you use to identify carbon dioxide?

lime water is the name of the experiment...

Why do analysts use distilled water in preparing laboratory solutions?

Analysts use pure water so they know exactly what is in the solution. These days they are more likely to use water purified by deionization.

Can you use drinking water instead of distilled water in a science experiment?

I would say no. Drinking water straight from the water supply will have additives (such as fluorine, chlorine etc). The additives are only in minute quantities, but may affect any experiments. Distilled water is much more pure.

Can you use distilled water to grow and hatch triops?

Yes but dont use still water distilled is the best

Can you use drinking water in batteries?

No, use distilled water.

What is distilled water good for?

The main everyday uses, are to fill steam irons and top up car batteries. Laboratories also use it where water needs to be added to some experiment.

Can you use demineralized in your sleep apena machine they only use distilled water?

Deionized water can be used in place of distilled.

Can distilled water can use as electrolite in batteries?

Electrolyte is 35% Sulfuric acid and 65% distilled water. You can add distilled water to a battery that is low, but distilled water alone cannot be used as an electrolyte.

Can you use boiled water in battery?

No, only use distilled water.

Can you use purified water in batteries?

No, use only Distilled Water.