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they are much more aware of what goes on around them than humans are. For one, every hair on their body serves as a tactile sensor. You know that whiskers are used to determine distances and the size of openings, etc. But they use each hair on their body to detect motion and wind direction, which helps them locate their prey on a chase.Also have better hearing.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Many animals have a higher range of sounds they can hear but humans cannot. Dogs for example, can hear sounds as high as 60,000 Hz while the human range is within 20,000Hz. Lower base ranges 20 to 80 Hz are felt more than heard in many animals so while they will react, it is more fright and flight than recognition of specific sound.

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15y ago

They can hear things that we cant because of the way that the particular animalevolved and also haw it adapted to its environment so in order for the animal to catch it's food or for it to hear predators from a distance away their ears adapted to the environment. but we didn't need that adaptation so we don't have it.

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12y ago

Animals hear in the same way as humansa do.


but some animals may hear different frequencys of sound and that's what makes them different

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13y ago

They have sensitive hearing.They can hear better than humans.Animals can hear high pitch noises and quiet noises that humans can't hear.

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Some animals have large ear flaps so they can hear more noises better and louder.

Why can't some animals make noises?

no voice box or they make such low pitch noise that we can not hear it.

What noises can a person hear at camp?

Some noises that you could hear at camp would be first off your campfire, possibly the leaves of the trees that are around the campsite, and any animals that could be within a close proximity of your camp site.

Why people don't want to hear noises?

Some people like to sit in peace and quiet and noises disturb them or even get on their nerves.

Can all animals make a noise?

yes all animals can make noise,but some make tiny sounds that humans cant hear.

What is the part of the ear associated with high pitched noises?

It is due to the sensitive hairs found in your ear. This causes noises to vibrate, where we are able to hear them. As we age, are hairs lose their once youthful strength, and some high pitched noises are difficult to hear.

Why are there some noises only children can hear?

The ear of a child can perceive noises ranging from 16 to 20,000Hz (Hertz,) whilst the ear of an adult can only perceive noises from 20 to 16,000Hz. Some phone companies have invented a ringtone which uses a sound between 17,000 and 20,000Hz. As you grow older, the amount of hertz you can hear drops.

Do all animals hear sounds the same as humans?

No, actually most animals can hear higher frequencies than humans can!

Do all animals hear the same frequencies of sound as human do?

Some animals can hear higher frequencies than humans can. This is why animals can hear things like dog whistles, and we can't hear them. In all, animals can hear differently than humans in the way that they can hear more. Some animals can hear lower frequencies than humans can. Elephants can hear much lower frequencies than humans.

How do some animals hear?

through their ears.

How are hearing aids useful?

Hearing aides are often used by people with some type of hearing loss to amplify noises. By doing this some people find it easier to understand conversation, and are easier alerted to sounds that they would otherwise miss.

Are dinosaurs actually loud?

We do not know for sure because nobody has ever hear a dinosaur. However, it is assumed that disosaurs could make noises and if this is the case it is probable that some made loud noises.