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I think they are very loyal and caring. It has been a stated fact that having a dog increases your life 6-7 years because they fill that empty spot in your heart and they keep you company when you are alone. They are always there for you, too.

They love you no matter what comfort me cuddle ect

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13y ago
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13y ago

A dog is a great pet because it is very social. If you are considering a dog, consider how much exercise you can give the dog and also if you experience any Allergies. If you do not have an active lifestyle I suggest a smaller dog maybe a basset hound or beagle. If you are active maybe a lab or golden retriever. Another good idea is to visit your local shelter because thousands of innocent dogs are being put to sleep a day and need a new owner or they won't be alive tomorrow.

Hope this helps

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13y ago

Dogs have a number of features that people like, probably the most important of which is loyalty. Dogs take a great interest in the people who own them as pets (or, you might prefer to say, the people for whom they are companions) and dogs seem to protect their owners interests to the extent that they are capable of doing so, by driving off an attacker, waking people up if there is a fire in the house, and so forth. There is some question as to the degree to which dogs actually love their humans, or merely are responding to them as being in effect the dominant member of the pack to which the dog belongs, but in either case there is a feeling of loyalty.

Aside from that, dogs are warm and furry, cute, have soulful eyes, and in some ways remind people of their own children. Dogs are beings of lesser capability than their owners are, so their owners take care of them, much as they would their own children. Dogs have a certain mental simplicity; they do not lie, their motives are simple and understandable, and so they are easier to deal with than human beings are. Dogs do not maneuver for status; they accept that humans are in charge. They are relatively intelligent, in comparison to many other animals such as tropical fish, frogs, lizards etc.

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14y ago

1. They are easy to train

2. Good companions if lonley or depressed

3. Reserach shows dog salavia heals wounds!

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13y ago

They are good friends because although they can't talk they seem to understand everything you say. Also, when petting an animal such as a dog, it relieves much stress. They are great.

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Q: Why do people like dogs as pets?
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Do people like dogs?

Yes, many people do like dogs. Dogs, along with cats, are the most popular pets in the world.

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Why are dogs not pink or purple?

because dogs have people as pets and the people dont like pink or purple so is no pink or purple dogs

Do people like pets?

Well, The answer is kind of hard to explain. Some people like pets and have them and some people want nothing to do with them. Personally I think people do like pets and I know I like them. I have three dogs at home and I used to have a bird and a turtle.

Why should people pick dogs for pets?

People should have dogs for pets because they make GREAT pets that are a lot more playful then cats. But they are also are very cuddly at the same time. so that is why people should choose dogs as their pets.

Are dogs the most common pets?

yes because loads of people love dogs but many die daily weekly monthly and yearly most people do like dogs! my mom said when our weiner dog dies that we arent going to get any more pets.:(

Do medieval people have pets?

Yes, medieval people did have pets, although pet ownership was more common among the wealthier classes who could afford to care for animals. Dogs, cats, birds, horses, and even exotic animals like monkeys were kept as pets during medieval times. Pets were valued for companionship, protection, and practical purposes such as hunting.

Why do dogs live in Europe?

Because European people love dogs as pets.

Did pets get left behind on the titanic?

yes pets did get left behind. they froze to death like the people. three dogs survived with their owners. Two of them were racedogs.

Why are dogs easier to than most pets?

Loyalty. The more I know about people, the better I like dogs.

What is a mammal that people keep as pets?

Dogs and cats are the most common mammal pets.

How much people have cats or dogs as pets?
