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Imagine for a moment:

A plant growing in the center of an empty field, and the sun is rising exactly due east. This means that the eastern side of the plant is facing the sun. During this day, the eastern side of the plant will grow very little while the sun is on the eastern side; however, while the sun is on the eastern side of the plant, the opposite side of our plant will be growing. This causes the plant's western side to grow longer, yet the eastern side closest to the sun remains the same. If you have one side longer than the other, this causes a slouching over effect, just like someone with bad posture.

Short answer:

A plant's side opposite to the sun grows while the side facing the sun grows very little.

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14y ago

because they take sunlight from the sun so they turn towards the sun

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Q: Why do plants turn toward the sun?
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Why do plants turn their Leaves to the sun?

Plants grow toward the sun because the side of the plant that is shaded grows faster. Very simple concept; think about this. A plant is under (let's say) a bench and light shines only one side. That plant heads toward the sun because the side without light is now grwoing faster, thus leaning toward the sun.

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Why are the plants in your house growing toward a window that faces west?

Plants will always grow towards the light source. Turn the pot a quarter turn every day and it will grow straight.

Why do some plants turn to the sun?

Photosynthesis the plants turn to face the sun to conduct the process, they convert sunlight and carbon dioxide into oxygen through the process.

What happens when plants photosynthesise?

They take the sun's energy and with chloroplasts (which make plants green) turn the sun's energy into sugar.

What would a plant do if it was groing inside next to a window?

The plant would grow toward the sun because all plants love the sun. Also they grow toward the sun so it will be easier to get sunlight.

When the earth turn its face toward the sun that region will be?

The side of the Earth that is tilted towards the sun will experience summer.

When does the South Pole come closer to the Sun?

The Southern Hemisphere beings its turn toward the sun on June 21 and on December 21, it begins to turn away.

Why does your face get warm when you turn it toward the sun?

A person standing in sunlight gets warm because the radiation from the sun is heating them. It is completely natural.

How does sunlight affect the direction that a plant goes?

Plants use sunlight to make energy and most plants tend to take in sunlight through their leaves and/or petals (of the flowers) because they are the broadest part of the plant (and therefore have the most "receptors" for the light). This is why the plants often seem to "turn" toward the sun. In other words, if a plant only gets sun from one direction, its leaves will be turned in that direction to collect the sunlight and it may grow in that direction (either on a tilt or send runners out that way). Some plants (such as sunflower) move with the sun throughout the day to maximize the amount of sunlight it collects. Short answer, plants generally grow toward the sun (or the direction where they get the most sunlight).

What nutrients do plants get from the sun?

Through the process of photosynthesis, or the conversion of carbon dioxide into usable sugars, plants are able to harness the sun's light and turn it into energy.

Why do most plants grow vertically?

Plants grow toward the sun. The constant movement of the earth makes the sun appear to move around, thus causing the plants to equal out straight. This is why you see trees that are on the side of a mountain at an angle instead of straight up. The sun disappears behind the mountain and the plant stops growing in a specific direction.