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We don't hate school. Some teens are bored at school or have other problems going on and school makes them even more stressed. we are often stressed by our parents, friends, and other people. they punish us for doing something wrong and alot of teens are afraid of their parents' reactions to their grades which makes them dislike school even more... But not all teens hate school. Many of them like and enjoy school, we are just worried about other things in our lives and school isnt a main concern of ours..

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12y ago
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13y ago

Not all teens hate school. It's the fact that they have to listen, many teens have trouble respecting authority and would rather be out with friends, sleeping, etc. then being there.

yeah, you got a point babes, by the way im dani11dani and im 16 i dont hate school! by the way how old r you.xx

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14y ago
  • No vision. Some students do not have a clearly articulated picture of the future they intend to create for themselves. Thus, they may take programs of study without a clear career goal or objective. In essence, they choose the wrong major.
  • Lack of passion. Successful students work out of passion, a love for what they want to do, and recognize the importance of the benefit it will bring others as well as themselves. Without passion, study becomes a chore and not a method for achieving clearly defined goals.
  • Lack of personal/work/school/family balance. What ever is going on in a student's personal life, will inevitably affect what's going on in school. Whatever is happening in school will affect what's going on in their personal life. A student needs time to be in class, and appropriate time for study. However, there must be time for family, friends, social activities, and time to just be alone. The key is keeping proper balance.
  • Lack of taking advantage of student resources. There is really no reason for academic failure. Every college and university has an academic learning center where students can receive peer and faculty tutoring, without charge. Many students fail to seek help.
  • Attending the wrong college or university. Some students accept admission into schools they are not familiar with. Thus, they become depressed with their surroundings. Student must be content with their school, its environment, and resources. This, in turn has a negative affect on their studies.
  • Lack of maturity and discipline. Some students are just not disciplined and lack good organizational skills. They often fall under the pressure of their peers. Rather than using good discretion, they feel compelled to follow others (socially), when they really should be attending to their studies. Again, lack of appropriate balance.
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11y ago

Because of modern Technologies and useless use of them.

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6y ago

Students lack interest in studies because of their job or other stuff.

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