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Usually the reason for undressing has less to do with the anesthesia and more to do with maintaining sterility in the operating room (where most anesthesia takes place) Street clothes have germs, OR staff can't wear them in and neither can the patients, sterility is your friend. Also, while undergoing anesthesia, cardiac monitors need to be applied to the chest. The head, neck and arms all must be bare and accessible for monitors intubation and respiratory support and IV's. In certain surgeries or for extended surgery a foley catheter may be inserted to drain the bladder.

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Q: Why do you have to undress for a general anaesthetic?
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If flexible cysturethroscopy is done usually under a local anaesthetic, recovery will take about 15-30 minutes, and if done under a general anaesthetic a few hours.

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An antonym for habiliment is undress or nakedness.

What is a anaesthetic used for?

To prevent pain! A general will put you to sleep and a local will just numb the area treated.

Will they operate if you have a cold?

It's highly unlikely - as you may experience breathing difficulties under general anaesthetic.

Do you stop breathing under general anaesthetic?

yes that is why u are put on a machine called a ventilator it breathes for u