

Role of water in bread making?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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9y ago

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Bread making is a balance between the various ingredients. Too much or too little of any one of them alters the result.

Too little water and the batch will not mix or knead properly, resulting in a hard lumpy unappetizing loaf. Too much and it will be sticky and glutenous and unappetizing.

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15y ago
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16y ago

Water is used in mixing the bread dough to moisten dough that is to dry.

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9y ago

Water is necessary to make bread dough. It also aids in the fermentation process and enhances the texture of the bread.

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15y ago

it gives the yeast something to feed on and adds to the texture...

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9y ago

Water is used as a way to make a solution out of the ingredients. The yeast needs water to activate. It also creates a binder when combined with the flour.

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13y ago

Water lets the yeast grow which helps the bread rise and it helps the dough stick together.

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9y ago

Approx. about 11 gallons of water.

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If the water is too hot, it kills the yeast. It stops working and therefore wouldn't make the bread rise. If the water was too cold, it wouldn't do anything to the bread. If you use warm water, however, then it gives enough energy to help the yeast work so that the bread can rise, making you're loaf.

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Water can make the oven steam. Therefore, if you are making bread, you can create an extra crispy and crunchy crust.

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The salt in bread making improves the flavor of the bread and balances the action of yeast.

How long has it been used in making bread?

"It" has always been used in making bread.

What role does water play in bread?

hai i am abitha.s iam sateied in BSC2nd year nutrition.iam 19 year's old.