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This question is an example of the logical fallacy "begging the question". The person posing the question has assumed that Trump hates the Constitution as an already proven premise. A better question would be "Does Donald Trump hate the US Constitution?" - for which the answer would probably be NO.

He does, however show signs of not quite understanding the Constitution and the limits of his powers. He has taken a page from the previous administration to issue Executive Orders to accomplish things that should actually be done by the Legislative branch. The Obama Administration (and quite a few previous administrations, if we are to be honest) often circumvented the Legislature when they couldn't get Congress to enact legislation to impose policies that they wanted by issuing Executive Orders. In Trumps case he seems to have decided to preemptively enact policy that should come from congress without first giving them a chance to enact legislation. Perhaps he feels that it is so urgent and the nation is at such risk that the nation can't wait. FDR enacted quite a few programs without congressional approval because he felt that the Great Depression was such an emergency that the nation could not wait for Congress to debate and pork-barrel the necessary legislation and sort of strong armed them into endorsing what he had already done. Perhaps Trump sees himself in this role... More likely he is acting like a business executive with majority stake in the business he is running so that the board of directors can't really stop him - except that in this case both the Congress and the courts have the potential to step in and nix his Orders if they disagree or if he attempts something outside his Constitutional powers. Time will tell.

It is not so much that Trump hates the constitution as he does the ramifications of it.

  1. Check on power: Due to the checks and balances inherent in the constitution, just being president does not mean that Trump is in effect a dictator. Courts provide a check on his power and rule particular executive actions unconstitutional. Further, other legislative/executive branches may provide some checks on his power, such as FBI investigations.
  2. Freedom to criticize: The First Amendment legally recognizes all Americans' freedom of speech. Sometimes this speech is used to criticize Trump which he does not like.
  3. Equality of men: The 14th Amendment legally protects all men and women as equals, regardless of race. Donald Trump has famously stated that the Central Park Five should be in jail even if they were innocent of the crimes for which they were convicted, proof of his racism.
  4. Removal of president: The 22nd Amendment has a process to replace the President if he is seen as unfit for office.

After all, the constitution creates the office of President of which Trump currently holds.

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I don't think he hates it, but just doesn't know it or understand it. Trump is very egocentric in his thinking and doesn't consider the greater good of the nation. The reason we have a legislative branch is to check a president that is like this to prevent a king or dictator. The problem today is that the congress is a majority Republican congress and they aren't doing their job in checking him, but have given him free rein over the government. This could change, but I think it is going to have to take all of us to be involved. The fact he wants to check the press is frightening because without the freedom of the press things can be done illegally and we wouldn't know it. Nixon thought he was above the law with Watergate and Trump has said he is too, so we need investigative journalism to protect the constitution and nation.

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