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New AnswersWe changed the links so that it is no longer as easy to post entirely new answers after the first answer has been given. Instead, you're encouraged to improve the existing answer.

WikiAnswers is a wiki, instead of a bulletin board. Each answer is essentially a "living document" to be edited without mercy. We aim to grow FAQs. Ideally, each question should have one good answer. Practically, some questions have different opinions or different viewpoints to consider; in those cases a bullet list of opinions is reasonable.

(See Related question on how to edit an answer.)

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Q: Why does WikiAnswers no longer allow you to easily post additional answers once a question has been answered?
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How can you demand answers from WikiAnswers?

You cannot demand answers from WikiAnswers on your questions. WikiAnswers does not answer your questions, it is the members of this community that answer your questions. You can request for your question to be answered but not demand for the same.

What is the best answered question on Wikianswers?

While there are many great answers, there is not a single best answered question on the site. Try viewing the Question of the Day on the homepage to see great answers.

How do you see whether anyone answers your question By email?

Questions on WikiAnswers are not answered by email. They are answered in the answer box under the question, just as this answer is under this question.

Can somebody you when your questions are not being answered on WikiAnswers?

What question did you want answers to. Try again.

What does it mean when answers sends you and email saying If you have a new answer?

What it means is that you if you have asked a question on WikiAnswers, and someone answers it WikiAnswers will send you an email notification to let you know someone has answered your question.

Does the Internet have good answers?

If you mean 'Does the Internet have better answers than WikiAnswers?', then that question depends on what type of question you are talking about. The Internet may have some better answers to questions than WikiAnswers, but I would highly recomend WikiAnswers because WikiAnswers is a Q & A site, (Questions and Answers) but the Internet is not. So if your wondering about which one is better, the answer is WikiAnswers. Hope I answered your question!

Why does WikiAnswers show already answered questions under the Unanswered section?

This happens when expert answers are written. You can add an additional answer to that too.

How would you know if someone answers?

What you do is get an account on wikianswers. By getting an account you can track the question and you will be notified if the question is answered or altered by receiving an email from wikianswers. You can then come back to the site to see your question. Join wikianswers today!

Why should you choose WikiAnswers?

Because it will help build a comprehensive question and answer site. Someone else might have the same question as you and chances are it will be answered by then. You are helping out others and getting your question answered.

When is your question that you posted on WikiAnswers going to be answered?

when you post a question , you click onto "updates" then when some one answers it you will be notified in your email

Why is WikiAnswers not answerimg your questions?

WikiAnswers is a large site and there are more than 16 million questions. Your question gets answered if a contributor notices it and answers it.

How can you search a question answered by yourself on Wikianswers?

You can go to your contribution page and filter the list by action "Answers (new)". That will list all the questions you answered.