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In 1861, Paul Broca examined 432 human brains and found that the brains of males had an average weight of 1325 grams, while the brains of females had an average weight of 1144 grams. A 1992 study of 6325 Army personnel found that men's brains had an average volume of 1442 cm³, while the women averaged 1332 cm³. (Ankney 1992). The differences are smaller but persist when adjusted for body size (Ankey, 1992). In 2005, Haier et al. reported that compared with men, women show more white matter and fewer gray matter areas related to intelligence. Using brain mapping, it was shown that men have more than six times the amount of gray matter related to general intelligence than women, and women have nearly ten times the amount of white matter related to intelligence than men. Gray matter is used for information processing, while white matter consists of the connections between processing centers. They also report that the brain areas correlated with IQ differ between the sexes. In short, men and women apparently achieve similar IQ results with different brain regions. Although women may have smaller brains than men, they appear to have greater neuron density in their prefrontal lobe, which is involved in planning, judgment, and language, although men still have higher absolute grey matter volume than women in their prefrontal lobe.

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15y ago
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13y ago

In fact, a girl's brain does not weight more than a boy's brain.

The average Male's brain weighs 1360 grams (3 pounds)

The average Female's brain weighs 1250 grams (2.8 pounds)

Of course, brain weight does not really mean anything, and is certainly not associated with intelligence. To illustrate this, the brain of Albert Einstein weighed 1230 grams (2.71 pounds, much less than the average human.

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12y ago

A men's and a woman's brain are the same

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