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This is unusual but I have seen it happen. Young pullets will often not understand the use of a nest. If your hens are young give them time. The most probable cause of this is rodents. Mice startle the hens and they feel safe up on the roost. They will lay an egg anywhere they happen to be under those circumstances. One way to encourage use of the nest is to put a plastic Easter egg or even a couple of Golf balls into the nest.

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13y ago

Roosters peck the chickens heads to keep the chicken from turning around and pecking them. They also do this to keep the hen down and keep their balance.

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Q: Why are your hens laying eggs on the roost?
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How many eggs do warren hens lay?

Warren hens are known for laying large brown eggs. These hens lay an average of 4 eggs each week. After a full two years of laying the amount of eggs that the hen produces will be reduced.

What is the difference between a roost and a nest?

A nest is often made of organic material and it is where birds lay their eggs. A roost is a place with support where birds commonly gather, not necessarily for laying their eggs.

Will 2 Roosters with 4 Laying Hens slow egg production?

They shouldn't effect the process of laying eggs. It's always up to the hens attitude for that day.

How do eggs get to your house?

You either raise laying hens or you purchase them at a grocery store.

What is the habitat of hen?

A hens habitat is in a chicken coop. She will build a nest for her eggs, and roost at night.

Will your hens go in the roost to lay eggs?

Most hens prefer a quiet dark area to lay their eggs. Free range hens will often return to the roost to lay an egg. They will sometimes seek out any available hay stack. If nesting boxes are provided when the hens are young they will usually go anywhere you put the boxes.

Why have your hens quit laying eggs?

Maybe its too old to lay eggs now or its too cold to lay eggs

Are sussex good laying hens?

Yes, sussex hens lay about 6-7 eggs a week which is a good layer!.

Are the eggs in the stores fertilized or unfertilized?

Unfertilised, all large companies keep their laying hens separate from their breeding hens and cockerels.

How old does a chicken have to be to begin laying eggs?

Most hens begin laying eggs at about 16 to 20 weeks old. This depends on the breed and nutritional health of the hen. The hens first egg (s) are often small and can even be yolkless.

Why is calcium important in a laying ration?

I assume the question is about hens and eggs? In which case, calcium is needed in a laying ration to help the hen lay eggs with a strong shell.

How many eggs will sixty hens lay in four weeks?

You want your hens are to the age of laying eggs (which is about 6 months), and your hens are under the age of three years (because when they reach this age, they are past their prime, and lay less eggs). Expect from your hens that every day 80% of the number of hens will be your number of eggs. So with this math, if you have 60 hens that are all in their prime, you can expect to get about 1344 eggs in four weeks.