

Why does an adult black lab pee so much?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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your dog may be getting too much water....try giving your dog less water throughout the day and see if it helps, if not you might want to have a vet check it out.

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Q: Why does an adult black lab pee so much?
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I don't know much about this but I would say if your pee is black that is a bad sign and you should definitely see a doctor.

If your pee is sent to a lab will it be clean?

Yes, it will be clean because the air filters the pee.

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Well a fish's pee is black. A very light black.

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NO, see a docter

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theres no way to know a baby like a adult will p as much out as u give in liquids they have a small bladder so it wont hold much at a time hope this helps

Pink pee in the toilet when you pee?

no that's irregular 2nd answer: Pink pee is caused by a little blood in it, most likely due to bladder infection. Go to a doctor, right now, before the infection causes real damage. The doctor will have you go into a little bathroom and pee in a paper cup, which you leave there. The lab person will take your pee and look at it under a microscope. If the lab person sees bacteria in your pee, the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic like trimethoprim, amoxocillin, or ampocillin for you to take for 7 to 10 days.

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i dont know they put kids shows on adult swim as an April Fools joke they put Mr. T and Popeye and some old Hanna Barbera shoes on adult swim just as a joke, and are you sure pee wee herman you saw was on an episode of Robot Chicken because there was an episode of Robot chicken where they did a pee wee herman skit?

How much is to much pee for a dog?

theres never to much pee for a dog. the bater is ALWAYS filled

Why would an adult dog pee on a puppy?

the adult dog is trying to intimidate the pup so that makes him a big fat bully!

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