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This recombination of genes, called the crossing over of DNA, can cause alleles previously on the same chromosome to be separated and end up in different daughter cells. The farther the two alleles are apart, the greater the chance that a cross-over event may occur between them, and the greater the chance that the alleles are separated. - See more at:'s-law-of-independent-assortment-states-that-allele-pairs-separate-independently-of-each-other-during-meiosis.-how-does-this-law-relate-to-crossing-over-and-genetic-linkage#sthash.pJkZU4x9.dpuf

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Q: Why does the law of independent assortment relates to crossing over and genetic linkage by?
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Related questions

What concept is considered an exception to Mendel's law of independent assortment?

Gene linkage us considered an exception to Mendel's Law of Independent Assortment.

How does crossing over affect the genetic diversity of a species?

in crossing over the gens present on chromosomes forms linkage so the character are exchange & thus it lead to recombination of genes that affect genetic diversity

What is the result of crossing over?

The crossing over alleles is critical to the survival and genetic diversity of a species. The results of the random crossing over of alleles is that the offspring will have chance inheritance of certain characteristics from their parents (as opposed to being genetic clones with no diversity). The diversity of phenotypes are among the major manifestations of random crossing.

What is the theory behind gene linkage?

a. the heterozygote should have the dominant phenotype b. the law of independent assortment always prevails c. genes that reside on the same chromosome should be passed together during meiosis dominant alleles should be passed together to the gametes e. segregation leads to new combinations of alleles in the gametes

X-linkage was discovered for the first time in?

Genetic linkage was first discovered by the British geneticists William Bateson and Reginald Punnett shortly after Mendel's laws were rediscovered. The understanding of genetic linkage was expanded by the work of Thomas Hunt Morgan. Morgan's observation that the amount of crossing over between linked genes differs led to the idea that crossover frequency might indicate the distance separating genes on the chromosome. Alfred Sturtevant, a student of Morgan's, first developed genetic maps, also known as linkage maps.

What is memory linkage?

what is a linkage linkage happens when a particular genetic loci or allele for genes are inherited jointly.

What breaks up linkage groups?

crossing over.

When does genetic linkage occur and why?

Linkage occurs between two genes when they are so near (less than 50 for Complete linkage and more than 50 but not more than 100 for Incomplete linkage) that they cannot undergo crossing over during meiosis and thus dont give new type of gametes which later could give recombinant(new type different than parents) character...

This occurs when specific alleles are inherited together?

Genetic linkage

What is a genetic map?

Genetic map is a graphic representation of a linkage group in the form of line which shows by points the sequence of the genes and the relative distances between the genes it contains. Genetic map is called a linkage map, or chromosome map.

How are crossing over and recombination related?

Genetic recombination occurs during meiosis cell division. As genes cross over during this process, scientists track the genes to study their linkage.

What is the mechanism that breaks the linkage between linked genes?

crossing over