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13y ago

Hydrochloride acid is produced in the parietal cells through a complex series of reactions. Carbon dioxide diffuses into the parital cell and the enzyme carbonic anhydrase makes a reaction when the carbon dioxide mixes with water, to form carbonic acid. Carbonic acid dissociates bicarbonate ions and hydrogen inos and the bicarbonate is sent back into the bloodstream. The hydrogen ions go into the gastric gland and the negative charged chloride ions diffuse with the positive charged hydrogen ions The stomach lining secrets a mucus over the walls of the stomach preventing it from touching the tissue. But the acid can cause a bleeding ulcer which destroys the lining in a vey painful manner.

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12y ago

Becouse colorless watery acidic digestive fluid that is secreted by various glands in the mucous membrane of the stomach and consists chiefly of hydrochloric acid, pepsin, rennin, and mucin.


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14y ago

The inner most layer of stomach is made up of polymeric type of substance as plastic which is inert towards acid. as you can hold a strong acid in a plastic bag even in a polythene shopping bag.

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14y ago

A thick layer of mucus is covering the stomach linning.

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14y ago

Because inner wall of stomach is made up tissues which are polymeric in nature as plastic so acid can not attack on such material.

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11y ago

It is because there is mucous in the walls of our stomach.thise walls prevent the hydrochloride acid from harming us

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11y ago

There is a thick layer of tissues on the inner wall of the stomach, which prevents the damage due the (strong) stomach acid.

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What is damaged section of stomach lining?

The damage section of stomach lining is actually the entire stomach. The stomach is very acidic, however, is covered with a very thick layer of mucus for protection. If the mucus disappears the stomach lining will be damaged by the acids.

What acids can you find in your stomach?

The stomach has 45 different acids

Will you die if you swallowed a bug by accident?

It would depend if it went through your trachea into your lungs, or into your stomach. if it is small like a regular black and, it is garunteed to die in the acids of the stomach. if it gets into the lungs, it will do some damage, I am not aware of what though. however, large bugs would probably do damage to lungs (either way, a bug will do damage to the lungs) ut if it is in the stomach any bug is likely to dissolve in the acids of te stomach, before it attempts biting at anything.

What acids are in stomach acid?

Hydrochloric acids are in stomach. Hydrochloric acid: HCl

What can happen if you drink coke on an empty stomach?

if you drink coke or any soda really, the acids in your stomach will react to this and it will cause a sharp pain for hours as your body heals itself from the acidic damage done from the increased acidic level within your stomach

Is digestion different in dogs?

Stomach acids vary but it is identical to most mammals. Chewing, stomach acids and through the intestines.

Amino acids without eating?

what do amino acids do with out food in the stomach

Can stomach acids cause colitis?

No the stomach acid does not cause colitis.

Do acids in your stomach kill tapeworms?

No, stomach acids do not kill tapeworms. Tapeworms are adapted to the environment of the alimentary canal; if they were not, there would be no tapeworms.

Will acids in your stomach cause infectious diseases?

it can if you're an alcoholic because the alcohol can rupture you're stomach therefore letting your stomach acids will get in the rupture and cause a infectious disease

Can inducing vomiting after drinking alcohol be bad for your health?

You should never induce vomiting. Stomach acids are very harsh and can damage the esophagus from vomiting too much.

Why stomach needs acids?

Acids and enzymes are what begin the process of "digesting" our food. Saliva supplies many of the enzymes, the stomach supplies the acid.