

Why does not use pointer in java?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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You do not use pointers in Java because the language designers decided to abstract memory management to a higher level in Java than in C. The reason for this is that it is easy to make mistakes using pointers and other lower level memory management techniques. These mistakes can lead to bugs. hard to read code, memory leaks that waste system resources, and security issues. Instead for the most part Java takes care of memory management for the user who can instead specify behavior though the object oriented techniques that are safer and easier to understand. The downside is that the programmers lose some control and flexibility in using memory. Also, programs using Java take a small performance hit in some cases because of the extra work Java has to do to manage memory itself.

They are, however in Java they are called references.

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16y ago
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15y ago

Pointers are a concept in C wherein the programmer can access the system memory and process it. Pointers are considered the most complex as well as confusing part of the C Programming language.

almost all C programs using pointers had hours of time spent by the programmers to sort out errors they induced in their code using pointers.

So Java conveniently avoided pointers :)

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12y ago

Java does not support multiple inheritance because of the Diamond problem came to the program...

for example if a method sum() is coming from A class and the same sum() is coming from B which one will be considered there...and the purpose of interfaces is not to support multiple inheritance ,but this is different...

Pointers are supported by java internally,,,and these are pointers to the pointers...these are further mapped with the reference variables for the security that we can not reach directly to the location and do the changes to the location data...

so in java to reach an location is reference variables....

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14y ago

The appropriate term would be "Pointers were avoided when Java was created"

The C language gives access to its memory to the developer which gives great powers to the programmer but its like giving a dynamite. Pointers caused more harm than good to the developers world over while using the C language. Any C developer you talk to would have a story to narrate regarding his tough experience with pointers. Hence the team that created the Java language took a decision to avoid the concept of Pointers from this new language they were creating.

Hence Java doesnt have pointers.

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12y ago

They are, however in Java they are called references.

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12y ago

In Java Garbage Collection is present. Garbage collector job is to clear the space which is not in use.

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14y ago

No. Java objects are not pointers. Java does not support the pointers concept. You cannot access the memory location of the java objects.

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