

Why functions use in c language?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Because you have to: any executable statement in C must belong to one function or another; there mustn't be executable statements outside of functions.and it also reduces the length of the program

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The c language does not have template functions. That is a c++ thing.

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C++ built-in functions are those functions that are provided for you as part of the language itself, and includes all of the C standard library functions (all of which were inherited from C) and is expanded upon by the C++ standard template library. C++ implementors may provide additional functions that are platform-specific, however these are not considered built-in functions becuase C++ is a cross-platform language. These are best described as 3rd party functions. The functions you yourself write are known as user-defined functions.

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An identifier is the names given for labels, functions and variables in the c language.

What are functions in c language?

constants, MAX_(function), etc.

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Library functions

Why you are use to c language?

I do use am a programmer, because C-language.

How you describe operations of stack ADT using c template functions?

No, because C does not support the concept of template functions. Template functions only exist in C++, never in C.

What is headderfile in c language?

Header File in C/C++ are the files which contains the definition of the pre-defined functions, data-types & constants, etc. By adding the header file you reduce your job of defining the same functions which are defined earlier by someone else & you can use those functions/data-types easily.

Is c language is heterogeneous?

Programming languages cannot be 'portable', but programs written in C might be portable, if they follow the strictest standards and do not use platform-specific features or functions.

How do you convert HTML to c code?

You can't. HTML is a markup language. C is a programming language. You can make C generate HTML, but C isn't anything like HTML in the way it functions.