

Why is RNA primase not DNA primase?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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16y ago

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RNA primer is a short strand of RNA that is synthesized along single-stranded DNA during replication, initiating DNA polymerase-catalyzed synthesis of the complementary strand.

RNA primase is the enzyme that synthesize the RNA primer.

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16y ago

RNA and DNA are different in composition, even though they are quite close. As the names suggest, RNA primase only works to build RNA, while DNA primase can only work to build DNA

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Q: Why is RNA primase not DNA primase?
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DNA primase creates RNA primer. DNA primase is an enzyme and DNA polymerase uses the RNA primer to replicate ssDNA.

What is the primase and its function?

Primase in the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase enzyme that functions in DNA replication by synthesizing the RNA primers which are then extended by DNA polymerase to yield newly synthesized DNA fragments. While being an RNA polymerase, primase is different from the RNA polymerase that functions in the transcription of DNA.

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primase bind to dna helicase. form a complex called primose.

Produces The RNA primer required for DNA replication to begin?

the chemical primase produces the rna primer to start DNA replication. the primase is later removed and replaced with DNA by a repair polymerase

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Primase is an enzyme. It is used to synthesize a short RNA fragment called a primer during DNA replication.

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Primase. It's usually depicted on the leading strand as square/rectangle.

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DNA polymerase 1 is involved in replication when proofreading and repairing of the DNA sequence as well as removal of RNA primers placed by primase so that DNA polymerase 3 can successfully attach the complementary strand of DNA

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DNA polymerase III can add nucleotides only to a chain of nucleotides that is alreadypaired with the parent strands. Hence, DNA polymerasecannot link the first nucleotides in a newly synthesizedstrand. Instead, another enzyme, an RNA polymerasecalled primase, constructs an RNA primer, a sequence ofabout 10 RNA nucleotides complementary to the parentDNA template. DNA polymerase III recognizes the primerand adds DNA nucleotides to it to construct the new DNAstrands. The RNA nucleotides in the primers are then replacedby DNA nucleotides.

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The primase

What synthesizes RNA?

RNA molecules are synthesized by enzymes known as RNA POLYMERASES .

Flow chart of 8 steps of DNA replication?

The eight steps of DNA replication are: 1. DNA strands separate, 2. formation of replication fork, 3. RNA primase binds, 4. bases pair up, 5. elongation, 6. RNA primers removed, 7.termination, 8. repair. this can occur in any cell.