

Why is it bad for cow to have corn?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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It's not all that bad, at least not how some people make it. Corn is a grain that is good to use for those animals that need it, or that can't get enough energy from the hay or grass they eat. Corn is a great supplement for just that, especially for those who want to raise dairy cattle for meat or as a "natural" means for raising dairy cows.

Unlike most people think, dairy cows (with exception of a few breeds like Brown Swiss to name one) have been bred or genetically "altered" to the point where they will literally starve to death on grass alone. If one does not take the care to give these animals the nutrition that they need from ANY feed possible, they will starve to death and eventually die. Anybody who is a responsible livestock owner and producer definitely does not want that to happen. So, if you want to graze your dairy cattle, do the responsible thing and supplement them with grain (which may come in the form of corn) so that they get the energy, protein and other mineral requirements they need. Supplement also with protein ration like soybean or canola meal if the grain is not enough (most of grain is comprised of starch, which is a form of energy), to help put weight on the animals. From there, if you keep that up you'll be good to go.

Corn is bad if it's the only thing fed to cattle day in and day out. It will cause acidosis if not managed properly and founder. Fortunately the cattle that are on a 85% to 90% grain ration aren't going to be living long...a few months later their lives will be over before they know it.

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One "cow corn" plant--more properly called field corn--plant will often have two to three ears on it.

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ok.. what is cow corn? I have made corn for decades... Can we assume field corn? For cattle, we let it dry before collecting. Around 12% is awesome. For humans, we do not eat field corn.

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"Cow Corn" or animal feed is simply corn that is harvested later than sweet corn. "Cow Corn" is then dried and used for animal feed, or used in ethanol. Field corn is a far less sweet for of corn and is not the same as sweet corn. It has more carbohydrates and is grown differently. Most corn will grow only one ear per stalk. Newer hybrids of field corn can grow two or three ears per stalk. It has a far drier taste then sweet corn.

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No cow is forced to eat corn. It's like candy to them.

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