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They feel they have power (king) if they have control over one that is more timid, or smaller, more fragile than him/herself. It is more likely for this to happen if the abuser was him/herself abused prior to their current mindset. The first obvious answer is "because otherwise they wouldn't have a victim", but there is no one reason, not even that one. Some need to control in response to some kind of inner sadism, which seems to sometimes be an abberative drive like pedophillia, unrelated to trauma. Many need to have control because the alternative is to be afraid. Some abusers see the world as a hostile, dangerous place. They seek to control it in order to avoid the threats that they believe lurk everywhere. Many abusers fear intimacy (for a variety of reasons). By controlling their partners and the relationship, they "calibrate" how close they get. Other abusers are narcissists or sadists and enjoy exerting power over others.

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Q: Why is it so important for abusers to have control over another human being?
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