

Why is lavender considered lucky?

Updated: 11/16/2022
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14y ago

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Lavender is considered lucky because it's a good medicine, externally used to rub onto fungal infections, rub the leaves onto the psoriasis plus some more around the psoriasis, for 2-3 minutes once or twice a day for 3 days. Then, its' gone. It has many medicinal properties. Lavender is also good to prevent nausea and vomiting, that's lucky for those who have some Lavender.
Lavender is also considered lucky because the first letter is "L" so people who were superstitious, thought it must be lucky.
There are other reasons and medicinal uses for Lavender.
If you wish to know a lot about herbs and their medicines, how to harvest and make home-made recipes from them for medicines, theres' a wonderful book from "Beneficial Books", called "The Herb Book", the author is John Lust. Its' a wonderful collection of truthful medicines that people can make in their own homes, with more than 1,000 recipes using more than 500 herbs, all identified by line drawings too.
Grow and use only Organic seeds and herbs though, and only eat Organic foods, its' the best we can do to be healthy, since GMOs or Genetically-altered foods have foreign to our bodies unnatural DNA strands in them: e.g. Scorpion genes into corn, they did that because they thought it would make the corn more delicious, more crunchy and juicy, yet, taking scorpion genes into our bodies is just plain unnatural, thats' only one example, the extra strands accumulate in our bodies, with some of them being eliminated and the rest can sit there in e.g. your finger joints, and make your hands hurt. If you go to a doctor and say how your hands hurt, the doctors run all sorts of tests and your blood tests are wrong but the doctors cannot find the disease: they can't find the disease because its' unresearched and new, they don't know what tests and what to look for.
We strongly recommend people start to learn about growing herbs and making medicines from them. The world's finances are not healthy, and some of the future looks worse than before, worse than those rotten wars in Iraq etc. Its' probable that if even one huge pandemic or out of control epidemic of some more disease happens, especially those new laboratory-bred diseases, many people could be so sick, and the doctors in most places could run out of pharmaceuticals.
Lavender, Sacred Basil, Garlic, Lemons, Oranges, and APPLES are a very good start to grow, some for both medicines and also for eating. Plant your fruit trees as soon as the season and weather is right. If a person buys The Herb Book, and chooses medicinal herbs from that book, probably, you are way ahead of others.

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