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Most likely your cat is purring. Although the reason of why cats purr is unknown, there is nothing wrong with your cat.

Or she ate some rocks/pebbles Some animals have been known to do this by instinct. It seemingly helps in digestion by grinding the food down inside the stomach. The stones stay in their stomach all their life as far as i know, and become rubbed round over time

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Hi there...perhaps you are referring to the chattering cats make when they see something that excites them such as a bird, squirrel, bug, etc. "Generally, this is a sound that is reserved for cats to communicate with each other. Kittens chirp to gain the attention of their mother for nursing or grooming. A lot of kittens will also use it to call for their litter mates. Mothers also use it to call for their kittens when out of sight, to get them to come eat, use the litter box, etc. It tends to be a learned behavior. Mothers who chirp a lot usually have kittens who chirp a lot. Cats may use this sound to communicate to their owners that they're feeling excited (like during play) or affectionate." [Source:]

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βˆ™ 14y ago

There are lots of reasons for a Cat to Meow, but if you think that, you are spending some time with your cat and feeding her properly, and still she is making weird sounds then read the following: 1) Ignore her vocal blackmail This is the most important thing to do. It's also the most difficult. Kitty must stop associating excessive meowing with getting rewards. Only feed her and give her attention when she's quiet. Ignore her vocal demands. You'll likely find that when you start ignoring her operatic recital, things will get worse before they get better. This is because she'll initially try what's worked before - i.e. meowing louder and longer. It's really important at this point that you resist all temptation to give in to her. Don't shout at her either - many animals prefer negative attention to no attention. 2) Make sure she's getting enough attention and isn't bored Kitty is more likely to meow excessively if she's bored or not getting enough attention, so make sure you find time every day to play with her and pet her. But - remember the golden rule. Only start giving her attention when she's quiet! 3) Be patient and persevere It will take time for Kitty to be re-trained, so don't get disheartened if she doesn't change overnight. And stick to your guns - ignore her meowing and only reward her when she's quiet. I've had a recent cat meowing experience which I'd like to share with you. I've got a Persian cat called Priscilla. Persians aren't meant to be very vocal, but Priscilla is by far the noisiest cat I've ever had. I got her from a rescue center when she was 7 years old, and her excessive meowing started as soon as I brought her home. At first I gave in to her, because I figured she was still settling in. But she got worse and worse, and I reached a point where I knew I had to curb her behavior. It was incredibly difficult to ignore her, as her volume increased to levels a banshee would have been proud of. When she was really bad, I resorted to watching TV with headphones on, and walking round my apartment wearing my iPod. After about two weeks, the cat meowing started to lessen. I did away with the iPod first, and the TV headphones second. It took about a month in total to get her to an acceptable vocal level. She's still a talkative cat, but now in a nice way that doesn't make my head hurt! Important Final Note: If something has recently happened that's upsetting Kitty, she may meow as a result. For example, if someone has just moved out of or into the house, or if you've just moved house or just got her, she may be unsettled and upset. In instances such as these, you should try to avoid obviously rewarding the meowing, but you will need to spend extra time with her, reassuring her until she adjusts. Finally, if your normally quiet kitty suddenly becomes very noisy for no obvious reason that you can think of, get her checked out by the vet. Increased cat meowing can sometimes occur because Kitty is sick.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

When cats make strange sounds she/he is communicating, if a cat is purring (the vibrating sound) she is happy or relaxed, there are many sounds cats make for all different reasons some unknown.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

This is called a silent meow, and is very common. This is the most polite of meows, so you should be very flattered! This meow is equivalent to, "Pleeeease?" Either this, or, like in a Siamese, the voice box has been used to much.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

The motor sound you're hearing is most likely a purr. A purr is a sound made by all felines (including lions, tigers, panthers, etc.) and is a part of cat communication.

The mechanism by which cats purr is elusive. This is partly because the cat has no unique anatomical feature that is clearly responsible for the sound. However, some of the most prevalent hypothesis' is that cats produce the purring noise by using the vocal folds of the larynx to alternately dilate and constrict the glottis rapidly, causing air vibrations during inhalation and exhalation. Nobody knows for certain why cats purr, but the following reasons are speculated:Cats often purr when being petted, becoming relaxed, or when eating. Some cats are even known to sometimes purr while giving birth. Animal behavior experts have thus developed the notion that the purr is in fact not a sign of showing relaxation or content, but a signal of specific intent.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

It would help if you described the weird noises, but it might be in heat (if female) or smells a cat in heat that it cannot get to (if male). It might also be injured, or annoyed, or simply be trying to attract your attention.

I have one cat that, when in heat, makes a noise I can best transcribe as "Haa-WOOOO!"

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What sound does a cat make besides meow?

Some cats whine :3

How did you get mew?

i think it came from the word MEOW for the sound cats or cat like animal make and cut out the O and you get mew but some people spell meow, mew mew i think it crazy! i think it came from the word MEOW for the sound cats or cat like animal make and cut out the O and you get mew but some people spell meow, mew mew i think it crazy!

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I've never herd a cat bark, but they do make a growling sound and they hiss and meow.

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Some cats (more than I ever knew) do not meow. They make a hum or breathy sound since they cannot meow.

What kind of cats dont meow?

Typicly, all cats do meow unless something has happend to the cat at birth or otherwise. Every cat that has not been "changed" in some way will meow. Some cats like cougars and anything in that sort DO meow, just they all let out a more fierce growl. Hope this helps!

What do you call the noise a cat makes?

when a cat is happy it makes the sound meow a cat can also pur. when its mad, it growls or hisses. when its hurt, it makes a long meow. when it wants to mate, it makes the sound merow

Do cats meow differently in different countries?

I doubt cats have different tones of meow in different regions (although I could be wrong). What often differs is the onomatopoeia (words that are spelled as they sound). For instance, the onomatopoeia for the sound a horse makes in some nations is "neigh", while in some nations it is "vrinsk". It all depends on the culture.

Why does your cat make monkey noises?

Cat's make their own noises. Some actually can even bark like a dog. Some cats can't meow. I've know one that when it tried to meow it saoundedmore like Kee Kee instead of a meow.

What sounds do cats make?

Cats meow, hiss, growl and purr. When mating, they may also moan.

Why do some cats not meow?

The cat's meow is her way of communicating with people. Cats meow for many reasonsβ€”to say hello, to ask for things, and to tell us when something's wrong. Meowing is an interesting vocalization in that adult cats don't actually meow at each other, just at people.

Do goats meow?

AnswerDogs can purr like cats. I've heard my dog purr before. Dogs can make about ten sounds like purr, growl, bark, wimper, yawn, and howl, but those are just a few.

What are some common words cats say?

MEOW. NYA~ (my male cat never finishes meow. he just says nya nya nya really short...) Nyaaaaaong (my female cat sorta drags it and makes a nasal sound at the end)